onal aspect of ALL.There have been many celestial bodies in the form of comets and meteors integrating and merging with our close planetary neighbours but none have come close to the deep impact arrival of the I AM presence on the individual consciousness that took place on 12.12.
Since then, the impact crater and its respective fallout has been felt in many ways by every one bringing to the surface that which lies deeply hidden within. For those who have not been systematically cleansing and clearing the emotional memories of many aeons of trial and tribulation, the I AM presence will create and clear its own pathway deep into the heart of matter to join Sacred Mind and Heart as ONE within the Fifth Dimensional aspect of ALL.
Since 12.12, the veils of the Fourth Dimensional dream state have thinned revealing an open channel to a higher state of consciousness. When the mind is not occupied with thoughts of day to day matters, the Mind Chatter ceases at times of deep rest revealing that which lies beneath the surface. Mornings may bring the memories of vivid dreams that play upon the deepest fears and worries or reveal the greatest fantasies of hopeful futures. These dreams may feel as real as the reality that takes place when you awaken, for what you visualise in your mind's eye and see with your normal eyes blend into one requiring you to reach for a reference point of understanding. But understanding is not the purpose of these present dreams, as the prison gates of the conditioned mind open to release the inmates carrying previous lower emotional memories towards freedom of expression. Release and let go these fears and worries as they finally manifest in dream state to be purged from your energetic systems. They are no longer yours to carry. Do not fear the dream state as you take your evenings rest but instead ask for inner guidance and choose acceptance that your divine I AM presence is diligently working for you in a state of internal grace purging and releasing all you have carried over a millenia of persecution and suffering. Now is the time to let Divine Love flow through your Sacred Heart and Mind by just allowing yourself to BE. It is a natural process just as Breathing is a natural process. Peace is what remains once you cease listening to all the noise. Balance is found once you cease trying to Become. In Being, I Feel. In Feeling, I Love. In Loving, I AM. With Love and Blessings, Paul Dobree-Carey ( Polaris AB ) Those on a Spiritual path often seek something tangible or real that allows verification, validation or illumination. ALL That is known as reality exists firstly as Fifth Dimensional Consciousness, Fourth Dimensional Thought Forms of Energy that become manifest as Third Dimensional Form and Substance as Light, Sound and Matter.
Once familiar, the Thought Forms are labelled and become solid as Matter creating the material world known as the Collective Consciousness. Until such time that these forms are recognized, the God spark that lies at the heart of all Beings of Conscious Light can be seen as Balls of Light. At this time, these are known as Orbs. Those familiar with the encoded Language of Light will recognize the Patterns of Vibration that surround these God Sparks and will begin to see the Form that these Higher Vibrations take. The Nature Spirits known as Elementals, the Celestial Spirits known as Angels, the Planetary Spirits known as ET's and the Terrestial Spirits known as Souls. The Floodgates of Fifth Dimension have been fully opened through the combined efforts of Lightworkers, Star Seeds and Walking Master's of Light anchoring the Light Codes of Sacred Heart and Mind as Unity Consciousness.
For years, you have been taught to follow rules, laws, doctrines, rituals and religious instruction before you can raise yourself from humble lowliness to a position of standing before the Gates of Heaven. You were never shown that the Key to Heaven already exists within YOU, within your own heart centre as the Christ Consciousness. Message from your I AM presence. Love is not defined by objects, partners, relationships, events or even by lifetimes. It is not diluted by Others, by circumstances, by distance or even time. It is deeper and stronger than All That, because it is WHO I AM and All That I AM is eternal. Know that Love exists regardless of all that stands in its way and will support and cherish All that you are and do without judgement or condition. To Be - you merely Become by allowing All That YOU are, to flow through your heart centre, without creating restrictions and barriers about who you believe YOU are. Always know that when you stop whatever it is that you are doing and just smile, for that moment, I AM with YOU too. Do you truly want to be here and now - for where would you go and what would you do if you were not YOU, here and now? YOU have all the answers, but not All of YOU is here and now, to remember All That Is. Source is All YOU are, but YOU are not All of Source. Be content that YOU know All That you have asked to know so far. Have patience to understand that you will continue to know, That which you have still yet to ask. YOU are Loved beyond all imagination and you are NEVER alone for I AM with YOU All Ways. I AM THAT I AM Giant sunspot AR2192 has produced 27 C-class solar flares, 9 M-class flares, and 2 X-flares - shown with the partial eclipse, the sun spot now covers an area the size of Jupiter. The Flare is now Geo-effective and is facing Earth.
Space Weather Message Code: WARK04 Issue Time: 2014 Oct 24 1401 UTC EXTENDED WARNING: Geomagnetic K-index of 4 expected Valid From: 2014 Oct 23 2048 UTC Now Valid Until: 2014 Oct 25 0400 UTC Warning Condition: Persistence Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 65 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude. Induced Currents - Weak power grid fluctuations can occur. Aurora - Aurora may be visible at high latitudes such as Canada and Alaska. Space Weather Message Code: ALTTP2 ALERT: Type II Radio Emission Begin Time: 2014 Oct 24 0755 UTC Estimated Velocity: 664 km/s Description: Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event. Potential Impacts: Satellite systems may experience significant charging resulting in increased risk to satellite systems. One week ago, I wrote a post about the arrival of a Celestial Being into our Solar System, a further messenger from the far reaches of the Galaxy within the Oort Cloud. Despite several attempts, I was unable to post the status with previous versions disappearing into the internet ether.
The Being has now arrived in a Third Dimensional Form as Comet Siding Spring and has a direct mission to intercept and seed the atmosphere of Mars with a cosmic downpouring of Language of Light Sacred Geometry as high vibrational Adamantine Star seeded particles. The comet's encounter occurs within the constellation of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder, the 13th Astrological sign also known as Aesclepius, Imhotep and Thoth. The sign of the Caduceus and the rising of the serpent energy, Kundalini. Since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, Earth in her higher aspect as Gaia, has been steadily raising her vibrational frequencies to that of Fifth Dimension to cease sustaining and releasing the lower vibrational energies that hold lower emotional frequencies within the Third Dimensional system. These have led to overuse of her resource offerings and poisoning her life stream. As Children of the Sun, many Star Seeds, Light Workers and Walking Masters of Light have been internally raising their own frequency vibrations in turn with those of Gaia and after 25 years, this was completed on the 21.12.2012. Third Dimension under these circumstances should be understood as a range or band of frequency vibrations, in this case, those that exist within the Light Spectrum manifest as Light, Sound and Physical Matter. This differs from the physical term of Third Dimension as Width, Height and Depth. The other planets too have long been influencing and governing the behavioural characteristics of those born on Earth, determining the direction and potential actions of the individual following their life stream and achieving their Soul purpose. Mars has been particularly active in the preceding months bringing about aggression, feelings of rage and stimulating the inner warrior archetype in many. The arrival of Comet Siding Spring from outside of our Solar System brings with it direct changes to Mars allowing Divine Feminine to soften and reduce the heavy masculine energies Mars has always exhibited. As a planet of passion, its brief union with Comet Sidings Spring will lead to revised patterns of behaviour leading to a more balanced personality. Changes to the root cause of emotional behaviours and mental constructs lead to revised displays at a third dimensional level. Those that seek to command and conquer will seek instead to persuade and give guidance. Aggression becomes assertiveness, dictation becomes guided leadership, dominance becomes mutual agreement, power through strength becomes Will through ability. Many now awakening to the energies of Fifth Dimension are feeling the stirrings of their Soul communicating through their higher Divine Self. Syncronicities abound, changes in patterns of behaviour, material desires waning and spiritual purposes waxing. The year of 2013 laid out the template of changes that would be taking place, installing directly into the Multi Dimensional Lightbody with the intention of gradually feeding through to the lower physical aspect of Third Dimension. A Fifth Dimensional electro magnetic structure was anchored around the energy fields of each individual incarnate on Gaia during the Grand Sextile of July 29th 2013. This was in the form of a Star of David, Star Tetrahedron Merkaba and allows the higher vibrational frequencies required to hold together a Fifth Dimensional Multi-dimensional Lightbody around a Third Dimensional Physical Form. The creation of the higher Light Body opens access to Twelve Dimensional Senses beyond the first five physical senses. Opening of a further five chakras joining with the previous seven, locks into place the Twelve Nexus System. This system allows Frequency Integration of the Twelve Angelic Rays, causing Light Activation of the Twelve DNA strands. This allows full access to the Fifth Dimensional Light Body based on the universal Human ‘Adam Kadmon’ blueprint. What is not seen in Third is held in Fifth. Without development of the Six Sense of Awareness and Seventh Sense of Self, this energy field will not become known and many will continue their daily lives dismissing any belief in what is not believable to them. The year of 2014 began a gradual increase in the higher frequency spin of the Merkaba which has been anchored at the Higher Nexus Point of the Stellar Gateway and the Lower Nexus Point of the Earth Star. The increasing spin is very much required to draw in higher vibrational frequencies to expand the ability to hold a vast amount of energy in the surrounding Lightbody. This increased power up allows the sustaining of a Multi dimensional awareness with greater capabilities than the physical body alone can hold. The composition of a current Solar Sunspot has already created a vast quantity of high speed particles sent from the Central Sun which arrive to amplify and charge existing energies beyond current capacity. A large X class flare will impact on external Satellite Navigation systems, and communication devices may well be interrupted and even more significantly, expect your own internal guidance systems, reasoning capabilities, thinking processes, expressive abilities and patterns of behaviour to be affected as a result. Ride the solar storm and focus internally rather than react to the dramatic effects it has on events and others around you. The date of 10.10 combined with a lunar eclipse brought forward the energies of the Shadow Self, creating doubt, concern for the future and survival issues in increased magnitude. Many may have felt disconnected from their Guides, inner voices and Divine Self during this time. A loss of direction, inner knowledge and lacking sense of identity. The opening of the Divine Gateway at this time created an inner confusion as the Mind sought to re-establish connection with the Body and re-create a sense of familiar individualism. A partial Solar Eclipse On Oct 23rd, softening of the dominant Masculine energies, reconnection with Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart are leading us towards the important gateway opening of 11.11 – bringing refreshment and renewal, the combining of the Divine Higher Self with the Lower Ego Self. Finally, for those that are prepared and ready, the opportunity of allowing the greater part of YOU to take the driving seat, strap in and take you full throttle into the sunrise and the arrival of the Golden Age that is dawning before you. Embrace the Light and let it shine on YOU and let the shadows fall behind you. Your heavy heartedness is created by your feelings of being unappreciated for all that you are. You give with Love only to find this is not met by others in a like manner. Why can't they see things the way I do? Why can't they appreciate what I do? Why can't they love me in the way that I want to be loved? All of your feelings come down to expectation. By giving freely of your love, without expectation of return you will start to understand that it is in giving love to others that brings the greatest rewards. You have people in your life that allow you to Love them. Anything they give in return is a bonus, when they show appreciation, tell them you love all that they are and that you appreciate them to. It is building upon a flow of Love rather than paths of expectation that you will create joy in your heart. Give Love freely, knowing that this alone is enough, these feelings will bring you peace and joy, not the actions of others in response.
With Love and Blessings, Polaris AB When an idea turns into a journey, a spontaneous adventure takes place. A decision today becomes a reality tomorrow.
Do nothing, and nothing changes and nothing happens for you. But everything else still, changes and still happens around you. Be part of something rather than all of nothing. Please join us on 10th October to participate in a Global Divine Light Transmission joining hearts and minds of All, as we focus attention together as One.
Following on from our series of monthly transmissions, on 10.10, we invite you to join us for another delicious journey into the Light, still in the energies of the full Blood moon on the 8th. 10 points to a return to fullness, absolute perfection. We have the 10 Sephirot or spiritual principles in the Kabbalah's Tree of Life. For Pythagoras, it is the symbol of the universe and expressed the whole of human knowledge. In its natural aspect, ten symbolizes display of nature, matter, performs the will of heaven and the supreme law. In its human aspect, the number ten symbolizes what can be called the divine humanity, implementing the principle of the Adam-Kadmon. "10 symbolises the consciousness we are approaching...1 is the masculine and 0 the feminine. The figure 1 is the individual and 0 is the dissolution of the individual and the unification with the Divine; the move from being to non-seeing. The figure 1 is the point at the centre while 0 is the periphery. " ( Lars Muhl) 10 also resonates with the vibrations and energies of leadership, optimism, confidence, independence, creative powers, success, energy, originality, adaptability, determination and individuality. And of course the power is multiplied by its repetition. 10.10.10. What perfect energies to amplify and anchor into our light bodies and the energetic pathways of Gaia at this time. To take part, at 10pm UK time, (or 10am or 10pm in your own timezone) you may wish to lie down in a quiet place, to relax and connect, for however long you feel is right for you. If you 'doze off', please know that this is fine, actually it's brilliant, because this probably means you are working on a level which your conscious mind wouldn't even begin to comprehend! If you are busy at this time, then your intention to join us, and your connection at another time is perfect. We do this as One, supported by the highest frequencies of light available to humanity. Transforming ourselves. Transforming the planet. Love and gratitude to everyone for this service to humanity: ourselves ♥ ♥ ♥ The anchors are all lightworkers honoured to be in service together again: Helen Howie Luminosa and Sally Phillips Star of Sherin , Tim Whild , Waheina Ma , Polaris AB and Ariëtte Loeffen Sacred Heart Healing www.sallyphillipshealing.co.uk www.luminosa.org.uk www.sunofatlantis.com www.polarisab.com www.vanhartecoaching.nl With Love and Blessings 10.10 Divine Light Transmission As the lunar eclipse reflects back the last piece of sunlight, the Earth resets her Self once again with the opening of the 10.10 divine gateway. The energies pouring in from the Central Sun in preparation have brought forth powerful waves of energetically charged, high vibrational, light encoded solar particles to flood every cell of your third dimensional bodies. Just as the Sun, Earth and Moon synchronistically line up, a 'spiritual syzygy' takes place within your own energy bodies of physical, mental and emotional as you absorb the latest major updates arriving frequently within your newly configuring operating system. Not everyone welcomes the arrival of an upgrade, new features to get used to, a revised outlook, new ways to navigate, unfamiliar routes to negotiate and sometimes the bits you actually wanted to get sorted haven't been touched at all, what's that all about?
As you still try and get used to the constant system rebooting, the system hangs and goes into shutdown AGAIN, tiredness, lethargy, sleep, more sleep and did I mention SLEEP! Normal entry to Fourth dimensional astral state occurs at night time when you sleep, but the body is not complying with a fixed pattern of artifically induced behaviour dictated by rigid time schedules. The bursts of melatonin and serotonin production from a highly stimulated and switched on pineal gland will have you switching sides back and forth from third density to fourth density quicker than a light speed rally in a tennis match. The eclipse brings to you a large assignment of homework which asks you to look directly at the energetic feelings that are passing through, around you and influencing you. The task is to look deep within your Self, to see where you are, what you are personally dealing with, the way you are dealing with the cocktail of feelings that pass through your heart centres daily and your labelling of them with the different names of emotions such as waryness, mistrust, scepticism, frustration, anxiety or is it peaceful, calmness, acceptance, resolute and anticipatory? The eclipse reflects back your own Light and lays your Shadow Self before you, through the actions and reactions of those around you; feedback, participation, conflict, argument, co-operation - only this time, you get to feel this directly, as the feelings of others also feed through your heart centres, running parallel with your own feelings. A time to directly experience the effects of your actions on others through empathetic resonance with feeling their emotions exactly as though they were your own. That's going to bring about more self-responsibility, the direct karmic effect of instant feedback, remember reading about that at some point, it's here. The expansion of self awareness, unity consciousness and crossing of the rainbow bridge, brings with it huge responsibility, of which not all will welcome the implications. The 10.10 divine gateway opens the heart centre fully to the full experience of the collective consciousness, the feelings and emotions of humanity as a whole. If you have not accepted what is happening in your own life, and then followed up by accepting all those around you, the next stage may come as a shock. To realise that every action you take impacts on another and feeds directly into the collective consciousness to be experienced by all. This is what will bring about the changes in the world YOU want to live in, self governing, self responsibility, self validation, self worth. Every single individual taking their own course of action to make themselves feel good about their Selves. There is no requirement for everyone to rush out and save the world, there is no requirement to wait for another person, being, saviour, entity or race to bring about all the solution's to the world's problems. This is how it will work, this is how its done, as it has already been done on countless worlds, over countless times. It is now your turn, this time as a human being, precious and respected as a manifestation of Love to share and live together as One on beloved Earth. It is NOW up to YOU. With Love and Blessings, Polaris AB It has been over a full year since the opening of the Lionsgate Portal during the Grand Sextile planetary alignment of July 29th 2013. This brought about the full creation and expansion of the Fifth Dimensional Merkaba as a Rainbow Star Tetrahedron around the human energetic body systems by connecting directly with the Earth Star and Stellar Gateway Nexus as the revised energy entry points replacing the former root and crown chakras.
Many Lightworkers, both existing and newly awakened will now be very aware of the effects of vastly increased energy levels to their crystallizing bodies, having endured the internal symptoms and external changes in their lives during this time. Just as a small child gets used to riding a bike with the stabilizers removed - fearful, wobbly, and unsure. No reading books on balance or gravity will have helped beforehand, its all been about learning through experience. As the Fifth Dimensional Merkaba begins to resonate at increasingly higher frequencies, the gradual spin increase in velocity brings about expansion of awareness into multi-dimensional realities beyond current comprehension. A dream state of reality existing alongside the physical world of form and matter. All that exists within the third dimensional collective consciousness has common recognition through familiarity. Higher dimensional awareness will come from acceptance of the changes occuring around you, releasing fear of the unknown and allowing your inner guidance system to come online, more in the form of 'remembering' rather than recognising. Adapting to a Fifth Dimensional awareness is not about waiting to see what is 'out there' but allowing what is coming from within to become a daily part of your reality. Look within to experience your true expanded Self emerging and then bring the energies of that understanding out into the world you are creating around you, so others may see who YOU are too. It is YOU that is creating your Fifth Dimensional experience, there is only NOW, there is no requirement to wait and see what others are doing or how they are doing it, either in this world or from the next. Open your heart centre unconditionally and let go of all lower vibrational feelings, thoughts and behaviours, why choose to maintain these when YOU have choice not to. Live without the fears you release within. Choose creation over reaction, courage over suffering, acceptance over defiance, Love over fear. Love comes from within as an infinite stream of appreciation, bliss, harmony and peace. Feel Love, breathe Love and live Love and bring what lies within, out, in all you say, in all you feel and all you do. With Love and Blessings, Polaris AB The bottom of the barrel, the end of the tether, the final straw, the weakest link, end of the line - a summary of the energies many will be feeling at this time as the lower emotions and Archon energies pull the ballooning Ego hard down onto the ground in the attempt of re-establishing a Third dimensional reality.
As the world enters another cosmic gateway, the 999 on the 9th September, you are reminded how many times you have sought for a sign, a message, someone, something, to tell you everything is going to be fine, it's OK, it's ALL happening NOW. As your Point of Perception shifts its position, you experience a more multi dimensional feedback of your true nature, a dreamlike state of possibilities. It feels like the Universe is tuned into you in anticipation of your requirements, not so much you waiting, but something waiting for YOU.
You have a million Angels waiting for you to claim your Sovereignty and do your bidding, what would YOU have them do for you? Meanwhile, find your centre once again amongst your expanded energy field. This is it , these are the changes you were waiting for. Accept and embrace them, you and your Higher Self are merging. Here and NOW. Welcome to the New World. Loving Life, Living Love, Learning Lots. The recent Perseid Meteor showers create fireballs which enter Earth’s upper atmosphere producing heat friction through plasma production and creating electro-magnetic pulses potentially interfering with radio and satellite signals. The subsequent ionisation of the atmosphere creates an excited electrical magnetic state which passes down through the atmospheric layers leading to a higher density of energised electron particles which acquire the role of free radicals within the human energetic systems.
The addition of a Fifth Dimensional Merkaba to the Adam Kadmon HUman template in August 2013 requires a higher energised system to become fully activated and achieve correct spin opposition at higher than light speed operation. The subsequent build up of additional electron free radicals within the bodies electrical field acts as a capacitor until the required charge is released. This can cause a large pulse of electrical activity to pass through the body discharging the body of excess electron free radicals. This creates temporary overload on the myelin sheathing of the bodies nervous system whilst the cells atomic structures change their electron positions to find higher positions on the valence bands giving off photons in the process. A substantial reduction in the incidental consumption of heavy metals and toxic contaminants and increase in a diet of anti oxidant food groups will be essential to combat this process. The subsequent change from an electron charged electrical nervous system to a chromaphore based light transfer system provides faster speeds and greater variance of communication abilities. This takes place between the consciousness and the individual cells within the body whilst their mitochondria switch from glucose based feeding systems to the photon based energy charged Light Body capable of sustaining the higher vibrational frequencies of a Fifth Dimensional expanded consciousness. Third Dimension exists within a specific range of energy vibrations. Within this range are many bands of frequency much like differing radio stations. The human physical form exists within the lowest density of the Third Dimensional band – it is solid, dense and its particles must be maintained through constant renewal and replenishment of new materials. The advantages of physical form allow the body to undergo experiential and environmental feedback in the form of feelings and emotions.
A feeling of separateness from Source, emotional responses and duality in all natural forms provide opportunity for All to experience a completely external oriented reality without recognizing a permanent connection to the Intelligent Source of Existence. The Ego Mind created by Angelic / Archon Beings has provided a perfect learning opportunity for Source to experience Self in a finite number of combinations and constructs in the Belief that Self is separated from Self. Higher Dimensional existence maintains a constant awareness of Unity Consciousness and Unconditional Love of All Aspects of Source. At present, current patterns of higher frequency encoded Light are drawn through the open core of the Sun towards those on Earth preparing their physical vessel to receive and hold higher frequencies of Awareness within their crystalline fields. This has allowed the Fifth Dimensional Merkaba to become fully established around the Diamond core heart centre of each awakened individual which resonates directly with the Twelve Fifth Dimensional Angelic Rays. This increases the frequency band of awareness to charge the Twelve Nexus chakra system which in turn activates the Twelve strand DNA within the physical cellular structure. This places the human physical form back into the bio-rhythmic pulse of the dodecahedral time / space continuum not seen since the days of Atlantis. Each frequency of vibration has its own level of intelligence having emanated originally from Source. Combinations of frequencies determine the level and creation of the Being, whether that is physical in the lower vibrational ranges, etheric, astral and light encoded in the mid range or energetic leading to consciousness in the highest ranges. Each Being is purely a specific range of vibrational energy operating within the conscious Mind of Intelligent Source. The HU-man physical body exists as a third dimensional projected construct based on a symbiotic relationship between a Fifth Dimensional light body template and the materials stored on Gaia originally created within the Star, Sol. Although each molecule works in unison with those around them to create a living functional material being, the fourth dimensional mind has the capability of altering the patterns of behaviour and layout of the physical form through focused intention. Fifth Dimensional Consciousness holds the Form or constructs of reality and projects this onto a Fourth Density metatronic electro-magnetic 'Flower of Life' grid that exists as a toroidal sphere around the diamond core heart centre. The diamond core is the single spark that connects the physical Self to the higher frequency I AM Divine Self. Higher frequencies allow the matter that comprises the physical form, to begin to crystallize to become a better conduit for the flow of Higher Vibrational Light through the body. Evolution starts with Light in a star which condenses into mineral rock through dissipation of heat and lowering its vibrational frequency. These elemental particles become the vehicle to allow higher consciousness to form Life within the Form of a physical body using the patterns of behaviour determined by specific frequencies of encoded and activated DNA. DNA is designed to carry specific cultural, genetic, instinctual and learning capable structures of behaviour adhered to by the species it was designed to embody. The current evolution of consciousness taking place is allowing the Higher Self Fifth Dimensional Consciousness to inhabit and maintain a physical form. A form that can maintain a higher vibrational energetic flow of particles without exhibiting the destructive effects of radiation, disease, chemical and biological forces. The Higher senses are linked directly to the frequency integration of the Twelve Rays, vibrational opening of the Twelve Nexus (chakra) system and Light activation of the Twelve DNA strands. This allows full access to the Fifth Dimensional Light Body based on the universal HUman 'Adam Kadmon' template.
1. Base / Root - Bright Radiant Platinum
2. Sacral - Soft Pink 3. Solar Plexus - Radiant Gold 4. Heart - Radiant white / swirls of pink 5. Throat - Royal Blue 6. Third Eye - Pure Crystal Clear 7. Crown - Pure Crystal 8. Earth Star - Swirls of Black and White (in movement) / Grey 9. Navel - Tangerine Orange 10. Causal - Pure White 11. Soul Star - Radiant Magenta 12. Stellar Gateway - Radiant Diamond Gold Lying is purely projecting a desired reality out into the world. It outlines the differences between Ego and Self, it creates identity whilst the inner child becomes a mature adult. Living a Lie is contained not just within words, but in character, in outlook and in behaviour. It displays a physical presence to the outside world created from the desire to Be more abundant in all things. Living a Lie has as its source, the feeling of Lack, of Void, of Separateness from Others.
It creates jealousy, envy, loathing, vanity, dispondency and hate. It is the Cloak of many Colours worn by movie stars and celebrities, by government officials and Priests, neighbours and colleagues. It says I'm successful, I'm OK, I'm doing better than you and everything is just perfect. Well, that's a Lie too. Third Dimension has become a projected world created from a collection of individuals Living The Lie. Accumulating money becomes The Lie and Lack of money becomes The Truth. Desire bridges the gap and sustains the reality. Money allows the Inner Child to create a playground and obtain new material toys to play with and then build a wall around the Child to remain protected and secure. The mature adult seeks a world of compassion, truth, justice and peace in which all lies are exposed and accountable. These are free and natural. Fifth Dimensional allows the collective consciousness to act in Unity. It is only the ability to create separation that has allowed Lies to become a reality. Increase in awareness through empathetic resonance with others will remove this childish behaviour and bring to the Light all that has been hidden away. The Akash reveals the true history of this world compared to That which has been written by Man. You are the Children of the Sun, your bodies composed of its particles and your minds composed of the teachings of your Planets' inhabitants. Free-will has presented you with the choice to believe or to deny. The Truth has neither as its master as it serves only the One. It is time Now for the Children to become the Adults and Sovereign Guardians of this World. The HUman Adult faces their truth and accepts the responsibility of Sovereignty to create their reality. The Adult recognizes the Child in others and lets them play for a little longer..... Many quietly look for direct evidence that what they do and what they have done is making a difference to themselves and the world around them. Despite the teachings of Unconditional Love, the Ego remains, creating reality from duality. Despite giving and sending Love through prayer, invocation, ritual, intention and meditation, many keep half an eye open to see if change has taken place. Look in the mirror, listen to the news, keep looking for something somewhere on Facebook or Twitter or some other global network social media fanfare to watch for a sign that the New Age has arrived.
Well HERE it is, NOW - the World has already changed. It's done, it is in place, all the nuts and bolts tightened and the structures formed all around you. But how can that be when you can still clearly see the injustices, the wrongdoings, the power issues taking place around you and you still feel locked in the constant struggle for survival in an increasingly difficult money oriented hierarchical class society? Ahhhh, that would be the Third Dimensional world, the One you USED to live your life in. That would be the One with all the dramas and conflicts where mankind was focused on maintaining individual Ego survival, brother against brother, neighbour against neighbour, child against parent, relationship against compromise - rather than join together in single purpose to establish a global community of Unity Consciousness. Yes, Fifth Dimensional Unity Consciousness is here and you are living within it. It is a new world based on tolerance, compromise, righteousness, belief and peaceful associations with ALL around YOU. Switch on the television, pick up a book or watch a film and become instantly immersed in the drama and conflicts that reflect back the Third Dimensional reality. Carry that ingrained energy through your door and into the life you lead or choose simply to rise above the lower vibrations that seek to entrap and cage you within a former senseless and reactive existence. It is ALL up to YOU. It is your world YOU are creating, YOU are the centre of your existence and are building your own Universe in which to exist. I repeat, YOU are building your OWN Universe in which to exist. You just happen to share it with Seven Billion Other aspects of YOU doing the same thing in their own Way and their own Time. So what evidence is there to confirm this? Look no further than your Sun to see the changes occuring. Wave after wave of intense high vibrational particles are streaming through the Sun's core right NOW directly from the Central Sun in order to keep up with the supply and demand requirements of an increasingly aware and consciously awake Terran population. Rapid expansion within the Fifth Dimensional merkaba and twelve chakra system that now surrounds all living beings on Gaia creates flexing and fluctuation within the electro-magnetic energy fields. Energetic pulses of electrons and photons internally create rapid highs followed by extreme tiredness with the bodies attempt to cope with the bio-rhythmic disturbances taking place. You will already be feeling the symptoms this creates within you without requiring explanation here. Accept and let flow is the key, for this is an ongoing process both necessary and required. Gaia too is flexing within her internal core which will result in movement of the land masses and continental plates with inevitable purpose. Try to remember that YOU have willingly chosen this mission without you knowing the journey. And be humbly proud of ALL you have achieved because YOU are doing a fantastic job. Well done YOU and you. With Love and Blessings, Polaris AB Beautiful day spent with beautiful people at the @Summer Solstice Awakening embodying and terraforming the Christ Consciousness 333 frequencies into the planetary Fifth Dimensional heart chakra at Avalon (Glastonbury). With Tim Whild and Helen Howie.
The close proximity of the heavenly body Comet 209/Linear will have made its presence known today with a wave of energetic high speed particles attuned directly to the emotional core of your Self.
The feeling of being 'stripped of joy' emphasized by feelings of depression and emptiness would have been prevalent as a result. This would have highlighted the requirement to look very closely at what it is that establishes your identity, both to you and to those around you. Acceptance of your current state may prove difficult because it means recognising that you have little control of the changes taking place across your Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Self. The Singularity portal I have previously written about is bringing about displacement as different parts of your being are fluctuating at different frequencies.You may experience these fluctuations as - are you coming or going, what to do next, leave it, finish it, don't bother, let it go, procrastinate, day dream, concentrate, tiredness, frustration at big things, annoyance at little things, other people - yes, other people - no, friendly then solitary, organised then getting lost in your Self. WHO AM I??? This is the process of the Divine Self establishing deep within your Heart Centre, emerging and overshadowing the previous patterns and habits of behaviour held in place for so long by the Ego self. Time to move over Little ONE and let Source direct. You will still be YOU but a greater version of YOU. It is not about understanding what is happening or even predicting what is to come. It is ALL about acceptance and letting go what is being released from you by YOU. You might not like giving up control, you might be too stubborn to believe you need to change, you might try with all your might to hold it ALL together at a time when everything is coming apart, to go it alone because you are strong and don't need anyone else to help you get to where it is you are going. Spiritual Vanity may prevent you for asking for help from others. You know you best after All. But understand this Little ONE, YOU knows you better. Believe that YOU can, let your Self do the rest. You live in a changing world reverberating with the echoes of your former existence. The solid thought forms and patterns of behaviour that have established your life up until NOW are crumbling and disintegrating. It will not be a case of picking up the pieces and starting again for these previous lower forms of matter have served purpose and are no longer viable in a new world of enlightened consciousness, open doors and exposed truths. Why build a house from straw when you know that straw is not the right material for building.
Following ten days around the Galapagos Islands, visited ten islands built from lava flows and sparse vegetation. Life thrives and adapts despite harsh conditions and relentless competition for survival. Snorkling with hammerhead and white tip reef sharks, sea turtles and sea lions. Nesting with red and blue boobies, orange iguanas and giant tortoises.
It is in the remotest of places such as the dry valleys of the Atacama desert and the volcanic springs in the mountains of Bolivia that I have found DNA adaption at its cutting edge and as a result have made many fifth dimensional adjustments to the varying streams of hive mind consciousness of each species. We are caretakers of this world and should seek to merge our own energy streams with all that is around us - to raise frequency of all that becomes part of our awareness and focused intent. As Walking Masters of Light, it is up to us to determine what to take into the higher frequency version of Gaia and to build a purer vibrational collective unity consciousness together. Wait and See? or Act and Do? With Love and Blessings, Polaris AB Travelling has taught me that there is one Language understood by All people, Love in its communicative expression as the Language of Light. All other communication is interpretation of vibration. The Sacred Heart and Mind understand the message long before the brain attempts to translate and understand the sound of words. I have held entire conversations with other selfs on mountaintops and cafes, on lake shores and hotel lifts without composing a single comprehensive sentence. The fundamental needs of All are the same without naming race, culture or language as a barrier. English or Asian, Spanish or Ayamaran - we are truly One as Children of the Sun.
With Love and Blessings - Polaris AB |
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.