Iota Collection
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
The Floodgates of Fifth Dimension have been fully opened through the combined efforts of Lightworkers, Star Seeds and Walking Master's of Light anchoring the Light Codes of Sacred Heart and Mind as Unity Consciousness.
For years, you have been taught to follow rules, laws, doctrines, rituals and religious instruction before you can raise yourself from humble lowliness to a position of standing before the Gates of Heaven. You were never shown that the Key to Heaven already exists within YOU, within your own heart centre as the Christ Consciousness.
The reality of the world around us is based on learning to understand the creative process of our own unique belief system. We recognize the vibrational patterns and frequencies of energy as forms projected from our thoughts. The range of thought forms are determined by the awareness of what we believe to be real.
At this time, many are familiar with the power of joining hearts as One to send Love and Blessings to Loved Ones or to those subject to the harsh and violent conditions of war and weather. In doing so, the collective energy creates a huge wave of positively charged vibrational energy that sweeps over the point of focused attention.
But consider the emotional onslaught if that energy was instead negatively charged. This is the case when a negative attitude is directed to troubled locations or indeed to groups or individuals not in favoured attention. Living within a Fifth Dimensional consciousness matrix will ensure that your familiarity with the Sixth Sense of Awareness increases and you will develop an increasing sensitivity to the energetic influences of other versions of YOU around you.
Many have developed empathetic abilities as a result. On 16th December 2017, we witness the arrival and close pass-by of Earth by another cosmic cousin in the physical form of a 3 mile wide asteroid, 3200 Phaethon - bringing with it energetic echoes of times long since passed.
A remnant of Maldek, the solar planet that was but is no more, located previously between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter who's remains now make up the rotation of the asteroid belt. A STARk reminder of what happens when past civilizations choose not to care for their planetary mother and choose the Love of Power over the Power of Love. A Cosmic star traveller has recently passed by us on a fleeting visit through our Solar System. After journeying through deep space, it chose its current form as an interstellar asteroid. Its Path of Intention started at the precise moment it needed to arrive at this time – that’s the precision behind the infinite intelligence of universal creation.
The Wandering Stars or Planets known by the ancients have long been associated with distinctive behavioural characteristics with those born under particular arrangements or conjunctions based on their positions - Astrology. Although these are archetypal patterns, there are other influential bodies such as comets and asteroids which also exhibit unique characteristics which shape energetic influences on a third dimensional level.
For some the pathway ahead may be covered in rose petals but for others it will feel like walking on glass. Each step brings its own painful reminders of the difficulties in transitioning through the requirements of achieving Sovereignty. Sometimes, the worst scenarios create the best experiences, but often not perceived as such at the time. The pains of child birth become the joys of motherhood. The efforts of building become the success of accomplishment.
Each dramatic external event that you cast your mind upon creates a further fragmented part of YOU creating connection with that event. Instead, seek to empower the Sovereign Self by remaining within YOU, as a non attached compassionate observer by sending Love instead to the focus of your attention, through your intention. Our Sun and Earth exhibit signs of emotion and the latest outburst from our celestial star is currently streaming Solar Winds swiftly towards us. It arrives soon bringing the latest batch of light encoded changes which quickly begin to overwhelm and amplify our existing energetic states. Our orientation to our physical environment is changing rapidly. The Earth displays the same response in the form of geomagnetic movement of her outer shell – we feel this as earthquakes. The re-orientation of the body due to energetic amplification.
Remember - where focus goes, energy flows? Living within a Fifth Dimensional consciousness matrix will ensure that your familiarity with the Sixth Sense of Awareness increases and you will develop an increasing sensitivity to the energetic influences of other versions of YOU around you. Many have developed empathetic abilities as a result.
When Stars collide they create a gravitational wave that sends vibrational ripples out across the Universe like a stone splashing into the cosmic pond of infinite space. For the many celestial’s tuned into the latest news from Earth, it informs them that something important has taken place, something that creates a deep impact on all who understand the message.
On Earth, nothing comes closer to the deep impact arrival of the I AM presence on the consciousness of every single individual on the planet, for it is the Divine Consciousness as a collective of the Human Experience here on Earth. This becomes the trigger for the merger of the incarnated Self with the Divine Soul to become the Sovereign Self. Earth provides a fantastic schooling for collective intelligence to understand the feelings created by emotional reactions and responses.
How can I measure the way I feel about my personalised creations? How do I feel about the creations of Others? The greatest way of achieving emotional response is by Being presented with choice - the ability to discern one manifested form from another. We call this Life experience. As you look to the skies, you find the shining examples of Venus, the Goddess of Love and Mars, the God of War almost embracing each other in their closeness whilst the Full Moon reflects and High-Lights your attention towards them.
You are reminded once again of the Power of Love, the feminine principle full of choices and the chaos of emotional feelings - versus the Love of Power dictated by categorising, labeling and the establishment and enforcement of Order - how many continue to choose one over the other? What must happen for you to make your choice? Become the Eye within the storm rather than being swept along with the dramas that may encompass you. Move through life with your own defined purpose and create a clear path through the chaos. It will soon become obvious to others where you are going and what you are becoming along the way. The practice of non-attachment is not about removing your exposure to everyday life, people and circumstances because you see what they do as negative or different from your own ideals. Non attachment is recognising that you no longer need to define your Self by That which surrounds and influences you. While you seek purpose outside of YOU, you seek the creations of Others to fulfil your requirements. Instead clear the obstacles of illusion and create for your Self. YOU will clear your path and YOU will find the way within your Self. With Love and Blessings, <3 Paul Dobree-Carey This week, school resumed as we returned back to the classroom with Sun spot AR2644. Our Solar Teacher introduced themself by erupting with an intense outburst in the form of an M-class solar flare. First lesson was a flood of highly charged particles producing waves of ionising X-rays and ultraviolet ray-diation.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.