Gamma Collection
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Now is the time to claim Sovereignty through responsibility of Self, to detach from worries and concerns of Others, knowing that each are on their own journeys of Self discovery within their own timelines and experiences - and that each will find their own Way in their own Time.
Happy New Year Sirius Ascendents and Star Seeds.
YOU will be familiar in one way or another with all the cosmic messages arriving from galactic neighbours and particularly from the retrograde actions of your planetary and celestial cousins. You are now fully prepared for a highly intensive period designed to open internal light portals and allow the transition from third dimensional frequencies to bring online the higher vibrational spin of the revised 12 Nexus chakra system within your etheric energy body. Hi Polaris AB, I'm wondering how you integrate your knowledge and multi-dimensional awareness into the daily grind of "human stuff".
With all these higher energies and all that's going on in the world, for want of a better term don't you want to "go home". Eclipse Transmission: Received at the Gamma Wavelength as conceptual Language of Light Geometric encodings and then stepped down in frequency by Higher Self Guidance through altering brain waves from Gamma, Delta, Theta to Alpha state.
Familiarity with the energy fields of Others form energetic emotional bonds which create empathetic and sympathetic resonance - especially with those closest to you. Focused desire, Love and mutual appreciation create connective pathways which strengthen over time albeit through relationship, association and intentional respect for another. As Above, So Below - like dendrites within the brain, capillaries within the blood vessels, tributaries upon the river and roots beneath the tree - we build and remain connected and joined to all those we know and Love.
Many awakened individuals have opened their heart chakras to a greater awareness of their world. The Green Ray raises compassion, connection and understanding of the Nature of Spirit through the Spirit of Nature as man is Divinely Natural in his True Dominion. The Blue Ray calls to express this relationship into new form with All That which you connect with and the auric energy begins to mix as the colours, Jade / Turquoise.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.