Gamma Collection
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Hi Polaris AB, I'm wondering how you integrate your knowledge and multi-dimensional awareness into the daily grind of "human stuff".
With all these higher energies and all that's going on in the world, for want of a better term don't you want to "go home".
Eclipse Transmission: Received at the Gamma Wavelength as conceptual Language of Light Geometric encodings and then stepped down in frequency by Higher Self Guidance through altering brain waves from Gamma, Delta, Theta to Alpha state.
Familiarity with the energy fields of Others form energetic emotional bonds which create empathetic and sympathetic resonance - especially with those closest to you. Focused desire, Love and mutual appreciation create connective pathways which strengthen over time albeit through relationship, association and intentional respect for another. As Above, So Below - like dendrites within the brain, capillaries within the blood vessels, tributaries upon the river and roots beneath the tree - we build and remain connected and joined to all those we know and Love.
Many awakened individuals have opened their heart chakras to a greater awareness of their world. The Green Ray raises compassion, connection and understanding of the Nature of Spirit through the Spirit of Nature as man is Divinely Natural in his True Dominion. The Blue Ray calls to express this relationship into new form with All That which you connect with and the auric energy begins to mix as the colours, Jade / Turquoise.
Happy Soulstice and much Love to YOU All <3
Love and Blessings to the Children of the Sun and rebirth as Walking Masters of Light and Sovereign Beings of Star Seeded Origin. Since the opening of the Grand Central Sun star-gates on December 21st 2012 following the cosmic moment of 12.12.12, many energy portals have aligned and opened and are now streaming forth the higher frequency encoded transmissions to bring about enhanced changes to the consciousness of our Planet and its many inhabitants. The changes taking place during this time are taking you through a transition in consciousness from physical to an emotionally led world. Rather than being driven by the wants of the flesh, the influences in your life will start to come from your feelings and the seeking of fulfilment of your emotional needs.
Many have always kept their emotions hidden from Others using false masks so they do not expose inner weaknesses and vulnerabilities, instead choosing to surround themselves with the illusion of materialism through behaviour, clothing, cars and property. When interacting with any form of social media communication, there is little difference to the occurrences taking place that appear to present and encourage free speech and the ability to state personal opinions. Gather any group of individuals together and there will always be those that speak out, those that keep quiet, those that argue and those that disagree.
Bless you, Child of the Light.
You find your Self living within the confines of a dense physical body where the speed of thought is delayed by time and space, and the permanent bliss of Unconditional Love has been forgotten as the fall in frequency requires you to experience the full flow of feelings and emotions passing through you. You are a God /Goddess frozen in solid matter. You are a pioneer at the cutting edge of experiencing Light at its furthest point from Source. Use this time to create the space and face the void within. For it is the increased ability to allow that which surrounds you, to pass through you with total acceptance and not transmute it to lower resonances.
The void holds the potential of All That Is as you find comfort and security knowing all that you seek lies within the Void of your own potential. I AM THAT, I AM. Seek your Self and you shall find All That YOU are. Polaris AB With each degree of expanded awareness, you move away from the world you once lived in. Your awakening has meant that you are no longer in the same dimensional space that you used to occupy. Your expanded awareness has started to reveal more of the world around you as you feel and see and become to know a world that you have never experienced before.
The recent cosmic encoded frequencies were amongst the strongest feelings of energetic changes to date which culminated with the Full Moon taking us into the month of Soulstice changes. For those experiencing deep inner changes, it may feel like being 'stripped of joy' emphasized by feelings of depression and emptiness would have been prevalent as a result. This would have highlighted the requirement to look very closely at what it is that establishes your identity, both to you and to those around you.
Our Star Sol starts the show by opening a coronal hole to allow a stream of Solar Wind to create a plasmic pathway of high frequency gamma charged photons to carry the Light codes through the Earth’s protective magnetosphere, merging with the collective consciousness and into our waiting resonant energetic fields.
Many have felt the effects of the singularity portal regularly opening up within our Sun to experience the intense streaming of hypersound emissions from the Central Sun, Alcyone of the Pleiades for frequency stepdown within the Heliosphere. The energies experienced have been amongst the highest received to date and this will be ongoing for some time yet as geometric cosmic triangulation forms dimensional hyperspace connections between the Earth, Sirius and the Pleiades.
Third Dimensional existence has become a collective form of constructed behaviours which require compliance, legislation, regulation, liturgy and governance. Our ‘freedom’ exists within these constructs as a member of Group Consciousness. Operating outside the requirements of a group leads to ostracism, separation, illegality and rejection from the normalities of a civilized society.
You live in a changing world reverberating with the echoes of your former existence. The solid thought forms and patterns of behaviour that have established your life up until NOW are crumbling and disintegrating. It will not be a case of picking up the pieces and starting again for these previous lower forms of matter have served purpose and are no longer viable in a new world of enlightened consciousness, open doors and exposed truths. Why build a house from straw when you know that straw is not the right material for building.
If you desire what you do not have, fear losing what you have already, and miss what you have no longer, what time have you for happiness? NOW is All you have. Enjoy each moment. The First Word creates the book
The First Stroke creates the painting The First Note creates the song The First Step creates the journey BE-lieve that YOU can. Let your Self do the rest. There are many tools, methods, workshops, rituals, meditations that seek to assist you on your individual ascension journey. On a practical level, many seek means of measuring their progress against Others on some kind of invisible Spiritual Scale. Comparing success, activities, outward appearances and fleeting moments of happiness and bliss - all pale into insignificance without finding an ongoing level of balance and peace within your Self on an everyday basis.
Achieve balance by bringing your awareness back to your heart centre. Without doing so, your focus moves off in the direction of other's needs, wants and demands. To act with self-responsibility, self-awareness, self-love, requires pulling all your focused energy back to centre by breathing from the heart.
As the sun has reached the end of the activities of Solar Cycle 24, a dampening takes place in the Earth’s magnetosphere calming its protective shield from the influences of solar winds and coronal flares. High speed energised particles normally carry Sacred Geometry Light Language from the furthest reaches of space via the cosmic postal system of the Central Sun, whilst Star Seeds eagerly awaiting coded instruction from their Galactic family to carry out Soul purpose as grounded aspects here on Earth.
By Loving your Self, you learn what it feels like to Love unconditionally by creating a relationship with your Self. When you start to understand what you want, you understand why Others want what they want. When you understand why you blame Others, you understand why Others blame you. When you understand why you argue with Others, you understand why Others argue with you. You create your world based on your understanding of Love.
This is a time for finding balance within and to integrate the earth energies with the physical body to adjust to a similar resonance. We bring our head down from the clouds in the form of Descension to take a look at our current position, where we are, what we are doing and who we are becoming. And in doing so, some may find that they want to go back to the clouds again, to meditate or just to go back to sleep. It seems so much easier sometimes to go 'within’ than go ‘without.
The dense solidity of 3D would have long since disintegrated had it not been for the relentless pressures of those in power condensing the energetic state through fear, control and suppression. For this to continue requires strong roots, deep foundations based on accumulated sedimentary layers of past achievements, careful planning and skilful manipulation - Masters of 3D chess in fact. But against such skilful players, we only lose if we play their game, their way and their rules.
Light Language Key Code activation.
Preparation for Full Moon Fifth Dimensional Sovereignty template high frequency attunement, placement into collective consciousness. This year will bring to this world another year of transitional transformations and challenging changes. It can only ever be so as we watch the state of the world move towards its higher and inevitable Divine purpose. It is clear that last year has seen increasing attempts to hide and bury information from the populace in order to bypass accountability, deny culpability and avoid responsibility. But the sheer blatency used in doing so, is actually aiding the awakening process for many, who can simply see through the smoke and mirrors of alternative facts, false flags, sceptical scripting, misdirected distractions and embellished emotions.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.