Zeta Collection - 2020
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Language of Light Key Codes - Our Sun, the Light Bringer, the Life Giver, worshipped through millennial from one civilization to the next, the Sun that shone on Lemuria, Atlantis, Sumeria, Egypt, Maya, Inca, Babylon, Persia, Rome is the same sun that shines on us today. Its reach stretches four light years out into the space around it influencing all it encounters.
Gratitude and Blessings from a thankful Mother Earth who felt the beautiful intentions of so many connecting with the Heart of Gaia over this festive and holy season. Mother Earth constantly emanates her own Divine Intention in permanent bliss to all her children. The Intention is carried in waves as the vibration of Love and is felt within the Heart of all forms which are attuned to those vibrations as feelings.
Imagine that the wind has stopped blowing, imagine that the currents in the oceans have ceased and the tide has stopping flowing, the clouds no longer move, the sun no longer shines. The constant movement of energy that you have become so accustomed to known as Third Density suddenly grinds to a halt. Everything waiting, paused, on hold, anticipation, anxiety, fear - what happens next?
The Floodgates of Fifth Dimension have been fully opened through the combined efforts of Lightworkers, Star Seeds and Walking Master's of Light anchoring the Light Codes of Sacred Heart and Mind as Unity Consciousness.
When sufficient numbers gather together for a single unified event such as the Soulstice, the energetic effect of so many joined in single coherent thought can be clearly felt and grounded deeply into the collective consciousness of humanity.
What you think, you create - but your thinking comes from the Mind of Source. The Ego seeks to believe that it has Sovereignty over the thinking process without recognising it as the infinite creative Power of Source. The world has become a mirrored reflection of the energetic creations of the collective.
At this time, many are familiar with the power of joining hearts as One to send Love and Blessings to Loved Ones or to those subject to the harsh and violent conditions of war, weather and famine. In doing so, the collective energy creates a huge wave of positively charged vibrational energy that sweeps over the point of focused attention.
As we end this year living within a world we have never experienced before, one that has united us all globally but not in the way we would ever have known or wished for.
Have you seen one? Have you met one in person? Do you believe that they hold your best interests close to their heart? Do you believe that they are working for you, always making time for you, always listening to what it is you want, your needs, your wishes, your desires, your point of view.
The Ego feels far more secure and comfortable holding onto that which it already knows, as a means of justifying its existence. When acquiring new information that does not fit or match its energised blueprint, it will create an emotional response in return. This is measured, judged and quantified by the lower three body chakras of root, sacral and solar plexus.
Your heavy heartedness is created by your feelings of being unappreciated for all that you are. You give with Love only to find this is not met by others in a like manner.
Why can't they see things the way I do? Why can't they appreciate what I do? Why can't I be Loved in the way that I want to be Loved? Why can't they show their Love in the way I show mine? There is a Silent Warrior that exists within you that knows what must be done. To do nothing allows other forces to dominate your own. To say nothing allows another’s voice to dictate your actions. It is not gender that determines your continuing existence but the Will to live as you already are, under the confines that are placed upon you.
The current Solar Minimum decreases pressure on the Earth's magnetosphere causing a thinning of the electro magnetic protective shield that protects biological life from the intensity of solar radiation.
However, this shield reduction allows the penetration of high speed highly energised Cosmic Rays which react directly with our cellular structures. The arrival and departure of a Cosmic star traveller passed by us on a fleeting visit through our Solar System at this time three years ago. After journeying through deep space, it chose to present form as an interstellar asteroid. It began a Path of Intention to ensure the precise moment it needed to arrive - thus demonstrating the precision behind the infinite intelligence of universal creation.
Peace is what remains once you remove all the noise. The energetic field contains much from the collective consciousness that prevents the flow of energy to pass peacefully through your heart centre. The increasing awareness of exposure to higher and lower frequencies expands the amount of noise experienced.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.