Mu Collection - 2021
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Naga - We are individual forms of the One Creator as are you.
Ta El Ee Ta, A Ko a Po Ta, Ka a o To Ta You are of God as we are of you, your potential is known by us, your Soul connects you to us. A time to gather the crops, to reap what has been sown, from Soulstice to Soul Tithe, the harvest of the Law of One begins.
As the current Lionsgate portal begins to dissipate, having discharged its final Sirian encoded cosmic transmissions, the Fifth Dimensional Mer-Ka-Ba begins to resonate at increasingly higher frequencies to expand your personalised toroidal sphere. The gradual spin increase in velocity brings with it greater awareness of multi-dimensional realities beyond current comprehension.
For six days and nights, the citizens of Rome watched a great fire burn through their city until over 70% of the buildings, temples and public works had been destroyed.
Do you recall times in the past when you were faced with a problem and you had no solution, lots of questions but no answers. But gradually, a series of events took place, a chance meeting, an article, an insight, something that triggered the solution to be presented to you which allowed you to overcome the problem.
Many Light Workers, Star Seeds and Walking Masters of Light present and born, have been working tirelessly to assist Gaia to bring about an Awakening within the HU-man population of the planet to prepare for the momentous times ahead.
You shall see me in the night sky brother, I pass you repeatedly. I AM a star just as you are Polaris AB, but my star is as a planet, Mercury as you call it. They refer to me as the Messenger, yet they forget that many times, my work is to bring forth the message from the One.
The Universal Theatre prepares us for another Cosmic Light show put on by our celestial companions, as our energetic bodies start to tune into the resonances of the accompanying higher vibrational energies which arrive as fiery trails of sacred geometric light across our night skies.
The Lionsgate Lessons came from a series of Cosmic Messages provided by the Leonine Beings from the Royal House of Avyon, a feline Sirian genetic line that began its origins on Vega within the Lyra constellation.
It is like standing in the path of a cosmic tornado as emotional stirrings of the Sun send forth further almighty Solar Winds of Change for us to integrate. And change it would be for those still clinging on tightly to patterns of behaviour, habits, routines and beliefs that can no longer take root in a world now flowing with the energetic surges of higher frequency vibration.
Too much food, too much sleep, too much energy - not for the Fifth Dimensional body which requires a constant source of higher energy frequencies to sustain the Fifth Dimensional Merkaba now in place around the revised Adam Kadmon golden human template.
As we enter the portals of the Lionsgate at this 8/8 creation event, it is clear that the higher expressions of Self are presenting to you all that YOU have chosen to experience at this stage of your ascension process.
You are here to gain knowledge of the Human experience and many have spent multiple lifetimes as differing Soul expressions learning through trial and tribulation to achieve wisdom and connect with the higher expressions of the Heart Consciousness through compassion, acceptance, kindness and grace. None of which would have become known to you without going through the very experiences that embed that knowledge within YOU.
Did you wake up today? - I mean, really wake up or did you return to the world of yesterday, the one full of fear and lack of control. From THAT previous world full of past memories, hurts, traumas, issues, problems and blame.
You know that feeling you get when you have eaten a big meal like a Thanksgiving Roast or Christmas Dinner. That sort of bloated, full, content, blissful feeling when the body says, I can’t eat any more, I just want to sit down and rest, fall asleep and just give in to my tiredness.
A Solar Eclipse brings to you a large assignment of OMwork which asks you to reflect upon and look directly at the energetic feelings that are passing through, around you and influencing you. For most, it will come and go without knowledge or significance.
With each step of the Light Ladder you take, you expand your awareness and understanding into each vibration of Light Frequency. It becomes part of who YOU already are as your Soul Signature of Light Quotient. For YOU are already present in all the frequencies your Soul has integrated over your personal Soul expansion.
The increased amplitude of cosmic and solar radiation creates fluctuations occurring in the Earth's magnetic field which trigger changes in biological resonance. This universal in-formation consolidates in the central spinal channel - the pranic tube, Hara line, silver chord or sushumna.
On May 26th, the Western United States, Australia and South East Asia will experience this year's super 'Blood Moon'. This will provide an amplified cosmic surge of energy based on the tidal forces invoked by the moon's gravitational influence.
At this time, vast amounts of energy are flowing on multiple levels of high frequency Cosmic, Solar and Terrestrial form creating push and pull, attraction and repulsion, highs and lows, internal and external connection. You will be well aware of the effects that these power amplified portals of Light create on your physical body and for many, 'stretched to the limits' emotional feelings.
What you think, you create - but know that your thinking comes from the Mind of Source.
The Ego seeks to believe that it has Sovereignty over the thinking process without recognising it as the infinite creative Power of Source. The world has become a mirrored reflection of the multiple energetic and competitive creations of the collective. "The process used for the communication of these messages relies on the placement of your physical Self at particular resting density in your space/time existence. This allows us to enable an energetic connection of variant density between the mind-body-soul combination and the acceptance of connection with us at a higher dimensional vibration.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.