Eta Collection - 2024
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
This time marks the the annual celestial event of the Opening of the Sirius Star Gate which begins the important period of time leading up to the Lions Gate portal of 8th August - 8/8 The Earth's connection with Sirius takes a dominant position in the majority of Ancient Civilizations each providing stories reflecting the wisdom and knowledge brought by Star beings across the vastness of space to Humankind on Earth. Lion's Gate represents a period of time when the sun enters the astrological position of the Leo constellation – between July 23rd and August 22nd. The mid point of this is the opening of an important energy portal – the Lions Gate on the 8th August known as 8/8. This was marked in Ancient Egypt by the appearance of the Sirius star (the Spiritual Sun) above the horizon at the same time of the annual rising of the Nile causing the flood waters to bring Life to the dry desert sandy soils. It is this time which also presents an opportunity for cosmic energies to begin to flood our own energetic systems as encoded geometries of Light. Light carries structured informational data which can be attuned to and read by those familiar with the key codes of awareness and internal understanding of Light Language. All frequencies of Light carry universal knowledge and it is our current mission to integrate and expand awareness of this cosmic knowledge to take us forward into the higher vibrations known as Fifth Dimension. In past times, the Lions Gate brought Lessons in a series of Cosmic Messages provided by the Leonine Beings from the Royal House of Avyon, a feline Sirian genetic line that began its origins on Vega within the Lyra constellation. The Felines along with the Carian / Avian Bird Tribes have a great deal of vested interest in the ongoing Evolution of Consciousness being amongst other Celestial star systems directly involved as progenitors of the Human DNA Hybrid Ascension Process. The Egyptian Goddess and consort of Thoth was Seshat. She was the primary Terran embodiment of the Feline Paschat panther race to integrate her mitochondrial genome signature into the post Atlantean third density Human DNA following the Fall of Atlantis and beginnings of the Sun Disc civilisations prior to the Flood. Isis or Isis-Sothis was associated with the knowledge and wisdom of Sirius throughout the Egyptian period and her teachings have been integrated into many modalities and rituals even today. Thoth or Thoth-Hermes is associated with many of the mystery schools and lodges teaching hidden knowledge from ancient times. They along with other advanced beings still continue to provide advancement in knowledge and enlightenment to assist those who are Awakening their genetic memories at this time and wish to return to the higher frequencies of galactic consciousness. Lionsgate 888 - Sacred Tour of Egypt with special permission for our Group to be between the Sphinx Paws for sunrise on Lionsgate on 8th August 2024.
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.