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The Ascension Gatherings present the opportunity to have answered your queries about the nature of Spirit, the Awakening process, spiritual energies, ascension awareness and what has happened since the infamous date of 21 December 2012. The event will involve questions being placed to the team, which we hope will provide the answers you are seeking, as well as benefit the understanding of the group as a whole.
Paul Dobree-CareyPaul is a Cosmic Messenger, Ascension Architect and Stone Whisperer.
From a business orientated corporate background, overnight he experienced a Sacred Fire Kundalini Awakening followed by a Higher-Self walk-in (known as Polaris AB) which presented an amazing wealth of knowledge about the true nature of Spirit, dimensions and energy fields. Paul writes regular online articles about the ongoing Ascension process on Social Media and on his web site to assist those who are gradually expanding their inner awareness to find meaning and purpose in their lives. In addition to overseas travelling to many beautiful Sacred Sites, Paul provides fascinating Stone Balancing tuition and international workshops on Living in the Fifth Dimension. He also offers global online zoom sessions, 1-1 attunements and Mentor Sessions for the activation of his client’s Divine Higher Self to assist navigating with the multi-dimensional shift in crystalline consciousness. |
Sally SherinSally is a healing facilitator and multidimensional explorer, specialising in QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), Dolores Cannon’s method of past life regression and reconnection with the whole self.
Sally has been gathering light-seekers together in the Southampton area for over ten years, exploring what it's possible to co-create when we come together with a group intention. She combines quantum journeying with vibrational light healing to take the physical body into a deeply relaxed state, where the human self dissolves and merges with the multidimensional self, ultimately accessing the field of Oneness or Source. In this space-time we retrieve knowledge and remember our collective and individual purpose. Sally is available for individual QHHT sessions in Southampton, and holds a weekly free distance healing group transmission to assist individual and planetary ascension. |
Tim WhildTim is a Hay House author, international speaker and workshop facilitator from Poole, Dorset.
He was a High Priest in the era of Atlantis and Ancient Egypt, and is using his collective memories to bring through the spiritual gifts and information stored away in those times. His current work with ancient Atlantean technologies is already helping those on a spiritual path around the world. Tim runs workshops, Skype sessions and writes a regular blog for his co-author Diana Cooper. Together, they wrote the immensely popular Archangel Guide to Ascension-55 Steps to the Light, and the The Archangel Guide to Enlightenment and Mastery - Living in the 5th Dimension, both published by Hay House UK. His work can also be found on his website, and you can connect with him via his Facebook pages Tim Whild – Practical Ascension and Crystals and Skulls – Tim Whild. |
Solstice Ascension Circle
Finding Your Way – The Path of Light
Monday 21st June 2021
Tim, Sally, Paul & Jackie are joining together at this powerful Solstice Time for another gathering, with guidance and energy processes to assist everyone at this time. The year so far has brought many challenges for most: pushing each of us to face our deepest fears and to look at the lower-Vibrational energies within ourselves, and bring them to the surface to be released. With Tim Whild, Sally Sherin, Paul Dobree-Carey & Jackie White Exchange £21.21 Ticket Link - BOOK NOW |
Nothing is slowing down as we go through the Eclipse season and into the Solstice, and self-care is a must as we take ourselves through these strong gateways of transformation. Flowing with the Divine Plan, even while not fully seeing what that is; going with the flow of life and finding enjoyment in every day will serve us well at this time.
Bringing in our ‘greater’ selves: remembering each day to sit with the wholeness of who we really are for Love and Guidance. Feeling the Creative Force, the life force, the flow of nature pulsating through our physical bodies – it is always there. This unstoppable force – the spiral of creation – is our natural divine blueprint, our purpose: ever-creating, evolving, expanding, leading us forwards to create the new.
This is the force which holds ‘God consciousness’ or ‘Source energy’, and it is within us. It is us. It pulsates through us, onwards, ever-loving, ever-present. It is the Golden Light to lift us through these immensely challenging times.
When we give ourselves over to the Golden Light, we are washed clean of our fears and anything of a low or old vibration.
Only the Gold Frequency of Love can reside within us, seeking to express itself through us daily, seeking to create, to flow where it is divinely required for the evolution of humanity into the Golden Age.
The Speakers
Tim Whild –
Jackie White –
Sally Sherin –
Paul Dobree-Carey –
As with all Zoom workshops this event will be LIVE, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day.
The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!
Bringing in our ‘greater’ selves: remembering each day to sit with the wholeness of who we really are for Love and Guidance. Feeling the Creative Force, the life force, the flow of nature pulsating through our physical bodies – it is always there. This unstoppable force – the spiral of creation – is our natural divine blueprint, our purpose: ever-creating, evolving, expanding, leading us forwards to create the new.
This is the force which holds ‘God consciousness’ or ‘Source energy’, and it is within us. It is us. It pulsates through us, onwards, ever-loving, ever-present. It is the Golden Light to lift us through these immensely challenging times.
When we give ourselves over to the Golden Light, we are washed clean of our fears and anything of a low or old vibration.
Only the Gold Frequency of Love can reside within us, seeking to express itself through us daily, seeking to create, to flow where it is divinely required for the evolution of humanity into the Golden Age.
The Speakers
Tim Whild –
Jackie White –
Sally Sherin –
Paul Dobree-Carey –
As with all Zoom workshops this event will be LIVE, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day.
The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!
Golden Soulstice: The Homecoming
Sunday December 20th 2020
With Tim Whild, Sally Sherin, Paul Dobree-Carey & Jackie White
Exchange £25 Ticket Link:
At this ‘Golden Gateway’ for humanity, we are called to gather in sacred circle once again. As the collective navigates this current period of preparation for our planet’s new Golden Age, we are receiving extreme energetic assistance, which is serving well to break down any density still present.
By the December Solstice 2020, enough of us are to be ready in order for the greatest spell which has ever been cast upon humanity to be finally broken. Our intention is to join with you to form a magnificent Golden Circle of Light on the eve of the Solstice, embodying frequencies to assist the process.
The 21st December, 21.12.2020, is standing out ahead of us a bit like a flag at the end of a long race! Much has been foretold of this time, especially by native cultures: Aboriginal Elders have shared their knowledge around ‘the most important date ever prophesied - for the ULURU Pleiadian ‘Magic Box’ Activation – that will give birth to The New Earth’. The Great Conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter, only 0.1 degree apart at the Solstice, is a potent factor in the mix. This will be the closest they have been since 1623. At 10.02am GMT, the point of Solstice, light workers are called to face Uluru in divine service.
Uluru, or Ayer’s Rock, is the solar plexus chakra of our planet. We humans have a symbiotic relationship with our mother Earth, and it seems that the human solar plexus has recently been through some deep preparation for this time. The Solar Plexus is very much linked with self empowerment, standing within your inner power, the inner Sun within us which is our Sovereignty.
What life is presenting, mortality - which is what we have been learning this year. Our theme at this time is all around Natural Laws, Common Laws, Truth as opposed to belief, and of course The Law of One, the Laws of Universal Being.
The human solar plexus is the centre of our sense of ‘Self’. When we move through Fear, as we have been doing this year, we travel beyond the human construct, into Love, into a truer version, a greater version, an expanded version of who we are. Travelling through our Solar Plexus, travelling through our Fear, we find our Golden Christed Selves: we were here waiting for us all along.
Join us on Sunday 20th December in a Golden Circle of high-frequency Unity Consciousness, in preparation for the dawning of this moment, as we explore what lies before us at this time.
The Speakers
Tim Whild –
Jackie White –
Sally Sherin –
Paul Dobree-Carey –
As with all Zoom workshops this event will be LIVE, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day.
The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!
Exchange £25 Ticket Link:
At this ‘Golden Gateway’ for humanity, we are called to gather in sacred circle once again. As the collective navigates this current period of preparation for our planet’s new Golden Age, we are receiving extreme energetic assistance, which is serving well to break down any density still present.
By the December Solstice 2020, enough of us are to be ready in order for the greatest spell which has ever been cast upon humanity to be finally broken. Our intention is to join with you to form a magnificent Golden Circle of Light on the eve of the Solstice, embodying frequencies to assist the process.
The 21st December, 21.12.2020, is standing out ahead of us a bit like a flag at the end of a long race! Much has been foretold of this time, especially by native cultures: Aboriginal Elders have shared their knowledge around ‘the most important date ever prophesied - for the ULURU Pleiadian ‘Magic Box’ Activation – that will give birth to The New Earth’. The Great Conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter, only 0.1 degree apart at the Solstice, is a potent factor in the mix. This will be the closest they have been since 1623. At 10.02am GMT, the point of Solstice, light workers are called to face Uluru in divine service.
Uluru, or Ayer’s Rock, is the solar plexus chakra of our planet. We humans have a symbiotic relationship with our mother Earth, and it seems that the human solar plexus has recently been through some deep preparation for this time. The Solar Plexus is very much linked with self empowerment, standing within your inner power, the inner Sun within us which is our Sovereignty.
What life is presenting, mortality - which is what we have been learning this year. Our theme at this time is all around Natural Laws, Common Laws, Truth as opposed to belief, and of course The Law of One, the Laws of Universal Being.
The human solar plexus is the centre of our sense of ‘Self’. When we move through Fear, as we have been doing this year, we travel beyond the human construct, into Love, into a truer version, a greater version, an expanded version of who we are. Travelling through our Solar Plexus, travelling through our Fear, we find our Golden Christed Selves: we were here waiting for us all along.
Join us on Sunday 20th December in a Golden Circle of high-frequency Unity Consciousness, in preparation for the dawning of this moment, as we explore what lies before us at this time.
The Speakers
Tim Whild –
Jackie White –
Sally Sherin –
Paul Dobree-Carey –
As with all Zoom workshops this event will be LIVE, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day.
The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!
Solstice Ascension Circle
Sunday 21st June 2020
At this time of the Great Awakening, we have all chosen to be present in a physical body here on planet Earth. We knew what our mission was going to be: to ensure the Ascension of Earth and her people into the Fifth Dimension, to usher in the new Golden Age.
The current juncture of this plan is undoubtedly our most challenging thus far. We are being called to hold ourselves strong within this external reality, whilst at the same time going within to access our individual knowledge and tools from our multidimensional lifetimes. Some of these knowings and rememberings are common to groups of us, because we have been part of the same journey to Earth from the higher planes.
This particular part of the plan has been meticulously prepared for over 10,000 years and is known as the Atlantean Ascension or Atlantean Community Blueprint. Tim will explain how this is being ushered forward by the global activation of the Navel Chakra within our ‘new’ 12 chakra system. The Atlanteans perfected their physical ascension process and maintained it for a period of 1,500 years. When the energy devolved at the fall, humanity was reduced to 7 chakras and the information of the blueprint (and much more!) was placed safely away in high-frequency archives.
Every single one of us on the ascension pathway holds a key aspect of this blueprint and the changes we see around us now are the start of the journey to the new Golden Era. We have a map, keys, codes, activations, unlimited potential and an entire Universe supporting us….all we need to do is remember who we are!
One of the sacred tools given to us for use at this time is the powerful Golden Christed Cross. Both lines of this cross are equal in length and they intersect mid-section. Sally is being pushed to help reactivate this structure for people through quantum journeying to assist our collective Ascension process.
Paul’s image, above, shows how this true Golden Christed Cross demonstrates equal qualities of Masculine / Feminine combined with Above (Cosmic) and Below (Earth). The elemental dragons are represented as well as the platonic solids - the building blocks of the physical Soul, the Archauric Being of Golden Christed Light, the Sovereign Self.
His communication with the Comet Swan has brought us such welcome news of its Gift of Sovereignty under the Law of One. This divine information, arriving in vast amounts of sacred geometry, contains much regarding the Path to Sovereignty and raising the Christed Self from within the diamond core.
This Solstice is the perfect time to merge more fully with our Higher Selves, and Tim, Jackie, Sally and Paul are looking forward to leading some powerful processes to bring the Christ Consciousness codes coming through the Sun into our bodies, into our cells, where the blueprint for humanity’s Golden Age already resides, awaiting re-ignition.
When we join in Circle we perform a timeless and sacred act of co-creation and it’s exciting to be working with ‘ancient friends’ again to co-create an energetic and informational Circle with everyone who is called, and we know that in this way we are serving our highest trajectory: the Ascension timeline, and the light that we create will be seen through many dimensions!
Exchange £25
The Speakers
Tim Whild –
Jackie White –
Sally Sherin –
Paul Dobree-Carey –
As with all Zoom workshops this event will be LIVE, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day. The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!
Click here to book tickets:
At this time of the Great Awakening, we have all chosen to be present in a physical body here on planet Earth. We knew what our mission was going to be: to ensure the Ascension of Earth and her people into the Fifth Dimension, to usher in the new Golden Age.
The current juncture of this plan is undoubtedly our most challenging thus far. We are being called to hold ourselves strong within this external reality, whilst at the same time going within to access our individual knowledge and tools from our multidimensional lifetimes. Some of these knowings and rememberings are common to groups of us, because we have been part of the same journey to Earth from the higher planes.
This particular part of the plan has been meticulously prepared for over 10,000 years and is known as the Atlantean Ascension or Atlantean Community Blueprint. Tim will explain how this is being ushered forward by the global activation of the Navel Chakra within our ‘new’ 12 chakra system. The Atlanteans perfected their physical ascension process and maintained it for a period of 1,500 years. When the energy devolved at the fall, humanity was reduced to 7 chakras and the information of the blueprint (and much more!) was placed safely away in high-frequency archives.
Every single one of us on the ascension pathway holds a key aspect of this blueprint and the changes we see around us now are the start of the journey to the new Golden Era. We have a map, keys, codes, activations, unlimited potential and an entire Universe supporting us….all we need to do is remember who we are!
One of the sacred tools given to us for use at this time is the powerful Golden Christed Cross. Both lines of this cross are equal in length and they intersect mid-section. Sally is being pushed to help reactivate this structure for people through quantum journeying to assist our collective Ascension process.
Paul’s image, above, shows how this true Golden Christed Cross demonstrates equal qualities of Masculine / Feminine combined with Above (Cosmic) and Below (Earth). The elemental dragons are represented as well as the platonic solids - the building blocks of the physical Soul, the Archauric Being of Golden Christed Light, the Sovereign Self.
His communication with the Comet Swan has brought us such welcome news of its Gift of Sovereignty under the Law of One. This divine information, arriving in vast amounts of sacred geometry, contains much regarding the Path to Sovereignty and raising the Christed Self from within the diamond core.
This Solstice is the perfect time to merge more fully with our Higher Selves, and Tim, Jackie, Sally and Paul are looking forward to leading some powerful processes to bring the Christ Consciousness codes coming through the Sun into our bodies, into our cells, where the blueprint for humanity’s Golden Age already resides, awaiting re-ignition.
When we join in Circle we perform a timeless and sacred act of co-creation and it’s exciting to be working with ‘ancient friends’ again to co-create an energetic and informational Circle with everyone who is called, and we know that in this way we are serving our highest trajectory: the Ascension timeline, and the light that we create will be seen through many dimensions!
Exchange £25
The Speakers
Tim Whild –
Jackie White –
Sally Sherin –
Paul Dobree-Carey –
As with all Zoom workshops this event will be LIVE, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day. The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!
Click here to book tickets:
Ascension Gathering - Winter Soulstice
Thursday 21st December 2017
Inspirations Positive Living presents - The Solstice Gathering, December 2017
Once again, Jackie White is gathering everyone together for an evening of powerful Solstice Light Work. Sally Sherin, Paul Dobree-Carey and Tim Whild are the Ascension Panel ready to share their wide spectrum of knowledge and energies on this auspicious date.
On the 21st December, the light influx begins as the longest night reaches its peak and triggers five days of intensive downloads preceding the New Year. The 'Unity Year' of 2017 has been a truly astonishing cycle, and for some of us the most challenging that we have experienced yet on our spiritual pathway. The twelve months will be thoroughly covered over the course of the gathering, along with some powerful energy activations that can be taken home and used on an everyday basis. Whether you are fully awake, semi-conscious or simply mildly curious, this evening is for you as we unify our energy fields to set a pure template of higher consciousness for the next phase of our individual and collective journeys.
Our presenters are experts in their individual fields and will be bringing their knowledge to assist with the practical aspects of life in the Golden Age we are all moving into. They have also worked together on many occasions, sharing important journeys since the Cosmic Moment in 2012.
Jackie White is a Happiness Coach and facilitator of Inspirations Positive Living Group in Southampton, where motivational speakers join her weekly to share their knowledge on a variety of subjects to the group. This has been running for over four years now and in that time there have been many wonderful workshops, coach trips and psychic suppers as well as the weekly meeting. The Ascension Circle was created after having Sally Sherin, Tim Whild & Paul Dobree-Carey individually as speakers where all three have supported each other at their talks and were so in tune with each other Jackie suggested a joint event almost three years ago and the Ascension Circles has run very successfully ever since.
Venue: Romsey Golf Club, Romsey Rd, Southampton SO16 0XA
Doors open at 5.30pm for a 6pm start - 9.30 finish with a break at 7.30pm
£33 pp Please ask for Jackie's bank details or address for a cheque or paypal please add £2 for charges to [email protected]
Once again, Jackie White is gathering everyone together for an evening of powerful Solstice Light Work. Sally Sherin, Paul Dobree-Carey and Tim Whild are the Ascension Panel ready to share their wide spectrum of knowledge and energies on this auspicious date.
On the 21st December, the light influx begins as the longest night reaches its peak and triggers five days of intensive downloads preceding the New Year. The 'Unity Year' of 2017 has been a truly astonishing cycle, and for some of us the most challenging that we have experienced yet on our spiritual pathway. The twelve months will be thoroughly covered over the course of the gathering, along with some powerful energy activations that can be taken home and used on an everyday basis. Whether you are fully awake, semi-conscious or simply mildly curious, this evening is for you as we unify our energy fields to set a pure template of higher consciousness for the next phase of our individual and collective journeys.
Our presenters are experts in their individual fields and will be bringing their knowledge to assist with the practical aspects of life in the Golden Age we are all moving into. They have also worked together on many occasions, sharing important journeys since the Cosmic Moment in 2012.
Jackie White is a Happiness Coach and facilitator of Inspirations Positive Living Group in Southampton, where motivational speakers join her weekly to share their knowledge on a variety of subjects to the group. This has been running for over four years now and in that time there have been many wonderful workshops, coach trips and psychic suppers as well as the weekly meeting. The Ascension Circle was created after having Sally Sherin, Tim Whild & Paul Dobree-Carey individually as speakers where all three have supported each other at their talks and were so in tune with each other Jackie suggested a joint event almost three years ago and the Ascension Circles has run very successfully ever since.
Venue: Romsey Golf Club, Romsey Rd, Southampton SO16 0XA
Doors open at 5.30pm for a 6pm start - 9.30 finish with a break at 7.30pm
£33 pp Please ask for Jackie's bank details or address for a cheque or paypal please add £2 for charges to [email protected]
Ascension Gathering - Winter Soulstice
Sunday December 21st 2016
Sally Sherin, Polaris AB, Tim Whild and Host, Jackie White
Thank you so much to everyone that celebrated the Solstice with us. A Divine Union. Winter Solstice is the New Year, the reset button a fresh start from 10.44 a clean slate :)
We heard a short version of the incredible Kundalini awakening that Paul Dobree-Carey experienced on June 14th 2009 and the walk in of a higher aspect of himself 4 days later. The prolific writing and journey that has followed, without doubt he is a pure channel, who could retain the information that came through him during the evening if not?
Everyone of us are so important in taking Gaia into the next stage.
Tim Whild was born awake but has experienced such a lot that has brought him to where he is now, a light and channel helping so many in these challenging times through his own learning and understanding. We are delighted for the next exciting step awaiting Tim in 2017 ...
Sally Sherin encouraging us to realize that everything is right, that meetings like this is food for the soul, equally important are the break times to enjoy and remember our connections. The energetic exchanges that were planned a long time ago.
So much has come up to the surface to be cleared ready for 2017 Unity Consciousness.
We talked about the 12 Chakra system and the Merkaba. The need to still the mind and focus on what is yours - Simplify.
Simplify with everything including relationships.
Our Purpose, our higher self knows our purpose and will gently be pushing us to where we want to be. To love yourself is so important to see the good in you. Don't hand our power to others, we are wise, speak to yourself, ask questions and listen for the answers. Notice where the answers come from over the next few days.
Does what you do give you meaning?
You have gifts, skill sets and talents.
Boundaries in 2017 .......
Walking your talk, pure transparency. Thank those that push your buttons helping you to go into your Heart <3
Star Family, tell me what I need to hear, show me what I need to see.
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and look forward to our next gathering in 2017 Jackie
Thank you so much to everyone that celebrated the Solstice with us. A Divine Union. Winter Solstice is the New Year, the reset button a fresh start from 10.44 a clean slate :)
We heard a short version of the incredible Kundalini awakening that Paul Dobree-Carey experienced on June 14th 2009 and the walk in of a higher aspect of himself 4 days later. The prolific writing and journey that has followed, without doubt he is a pure channel, who could retain the information that came through him during the evening if not?
Everyone of us are so important in taking Gaia into the next stage.
Tim Whild was born awake but has experienced such a lot that has brought him to where he is now, a light and channel helping so many in these challenging times through his own learning and understanding. We are delighted for the next exciting step awaiting Tim in 2017 ...
Sally Sherin encouraging us to realize that everything is right, that meetings like this is food for the soul, equally important are the break times to enjoy and remember our connections. The energetic exchanges that were planned a long time ago.
So much has come up to the surface to be cleared ready for 2017 Unity Consciousness.
We talked about the 12 Chakra system and the Merkaba. The need to still the mind and focus on what is yours - Simplify.
Simplify with everything including relationships.
Our Purpose, our higher self knows our purpose and will gently be pushing us to where we want to be. To love yourself is so important to see the good in you. Don't hand our power to others, we are wise, speak to yourself, ask questions and listen for the answers. Notice where the answers come from over the next few days.
Does what you do give you meaning?
You have gifts, skill sets and talents.
Boundaries in 2017 .......
Walking your talk, pure transparency. Thank those that push your buttons helping you to go into your Heart <3
Star Family, tell me what I need to hear, show me what I need to see.
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and look forward to our next gathering in 2017 Jackie
Ascension Gathering - Awakening The Master In You
Sunday June 28th 2015
Sally Sherin, Polaris AB, Tim Whild and Host, Jackie White
Inspirations Positive Living Group are delighted to invite you to this wonderful afternoon and an opportunity to meet three Ascension Masters - of course, we are all Ascension Masters at varying degrees of understanding ♥ You may well know some or all of them as we are fortunate that they all live fairly local to us.
Many individuals are now Awakening to their inner spiritual Self which is requiring a new way of understanding the reality of existence. Living within this current reality can cause uncertainty, fear and raise many questions regarding your true nature, such as Who am I?, Why am I here?, What is my purpose?
This Ascension Forum presents the opportunity to have answered your queries about the nature of Spirit, the Awakening process, spiritual energies, ascension awareness and what has happened since the infamous date of 21 December 2012. The afternoon will involve questions being placed to the team, which we hope will provide the answers you are seeking, as well as benefit the understanding of the group as a whole.
The four of us are coming together with the group intention of creating an energetic space for the highest truth which we can collectively access to be shared, for the highest good of ALL. Your participation is a key in this co-creation process, because the group energy creates a vortex of intention, allowing us to access the perfect information for everyone present on this date.
The date of June 28th 2015 is significant because of Blood moons in April and September 2015 with June 28th as the pivotal point.
We are holding this in a beautiful location The Beaulieu Road Hotel, three and half miles from Lyndhurst.
The hotel will provide Tea/Coffee and sandwiches during the afternoon while we have an opportunity to share our thoughts with each other.
Inspirations Positive Living Group are delighted to invite you to this wonderful afternoon and an opportunity to meet three Ascension Masters - of course, we are all Ascension Masters at varying degrees of understanding ♥ You may well know some or all of them as we are fortunate that they all live fairly local to us.
Many individuals are now Awakening to their inner spiritual Self which is requiring a new way of understanding the reality of existence. Living within this current reality can cause uncertainty, fear and raise many questions regarding your true nature, such as Who am I?, Why am I here?, What is my purpose?
This Ascension Forum presents the opportunity to have answered your queries about the nature of Spirit, the Awakening process, spiritual energies, ascension awareness and what has happened since the infamous date of 21 December 2012. The afternoon will involve questions being placed to the team, which we hope will provide the answers you are seeking, as well as benefit the understanding of the group as a whole.
The four of us are coming together with the group intention of creating an energetic space for the highest truth which we can collectively access to be shared, for the highest good of ALL. Your participation is a key in this co-creation process, because the group energy creates a vortex of intention, allowing us to access the perfect information for everyone present on this date.
The date of June 28th 2015 is significant because of Blood moons in April and September 2015 with June 28th as the pivotal point.
We are holding this in a beautiful location The Beaulieu Road Hotel, three and half miles from Lyndhurst.
The hotel will provide Tea/Coffee and sandwiches during the afternoon while we have an opportunity to share our thoughts with each other.
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.