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The Golden Age Webinar Package
THE POWER OF ONE - Connecting, Communicating, Conquering, Combining
Click on each picture to access details of the individual webinar recordings.
Created by Paul Dobree - Carey and Keleena Malnar, we bring to you four offerings of powerful Light Encoded Activation's and practical Ascension / Descension advice across four essential subjects. All four Online Webinars are downloadable as individual recordings to provide you with a combined step through process and understanding - vital for progression within the current Evolution of Consciousness and entry into the Golden Age of Planetary Ascension.
To purchase the Golden Age Combined Webinar Package of all four webinars providing over eight hours of recorded video material and accompanying Ebook publications. £50.00
"The transmissions by Keleena were very powerful and your knowledge Paul is brilliant with useful and practical advice and understanding to usher us gracefully into this wonderful Golden Age. Thank you, Maria, New York, USA" ❤️ |
Ascension Guidance with Paul Dobree-Carey and Tim Whild
THE LAW OF ONE - Integrating, Energising, Empowering, Embodying
Cosmic Messenger Paul Dobree-Carey and Best selling Hay House Author - Tim Whild join together to create four powerful and thought provoking online events in which we discuss the ongoing Ascension process as it rapidly expands through the consciousness of the entire planet. We provide practical and high frequency advice along with Activation Invocations to assist all those transmuting and transforming at this challenging time.
"I will need to watch this again! So much powerful learning here!!".
"Thank you 2 soo much!! I love the combination of Paul and Tim together! We want more of these Zooms!! "
"Best ever so far! Thank you! It was wonderful!!"
"Thank you 2 soo much!! I love the combination of Paul and Tim together! We want more of these Zooms!! "
"Best ever so far! Thank you! It was wonderful!!"
The LOVE OF ONE - Completing the Circle by becoming One with Love
Join Amanda and Paul for an inspirational 2-hour online zoom webinar to bring to you awareness of The LOVE of One and how to apply its Divine Principles and to hold and sustain the higher frequencies of Light in the way we individually live our daily lives. We will show you how to align to the higher vibrations of Love and sustain them in the times to come as we move forward through these challenging times.
Click here to view further details..... |
THE LANGUAGE OF ONE - Lions Gate Light Activation - Connecting the Portal Within
Join Gaby and Paul Dobree-Carey for an inspirational hour long online zoom webinar to bring to you the Lions Gate Light Activation portal energies and how to hold and sustain the higher frequencies of Light in the way we individually live our daily lives. We will show you how to align to the higher vibrations of Love sharing information and insights at this pivotal time to assist with the impact of the incoming codes of expansion.
Gaby provides a powerful Light Language transmission from her dedicated Team of Light. Click here to view further details..... |
Pyramid Portal Power Webinar
Paul Dobree-Carey and Sally Sherin Phillips held an online webinar to explore the full potential of four back to back 3.3.3 frequency dates.
We look at how they relate to us and how they enable us to utilise the Sacred Geometry in the Power of the Pyramids to set our personal and collective intentions. The webinar event was recorded and is available for individual download. Click here to view further details..... |
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.