Shape Divider - Style mountains
Join Keleena and Paul for an intense 2-hour online zoom Language of Light workshop to connect with your Heart's true voice, teach you everyday tools and receive Light Language DNA activations to assist you in this process.
In this workshop, you will experience, Activating and Opening to the Heart Consciousness, Attuning and adjusting to allowing the flow of Light Language seeking to find connection with your own Sacred Voice through Understanding & Living Life with Heart-Based Awareness.
Also, to understand the beginnings of the language structure and meaning leading to its ultimate purpose - the connection of the Soul to the body through harmonious vibration. We look forward to connecting with your hearts and minds. Keleena and Paul Purchase of the Online Webinar Recording for
'Light Language of the Heart - Voice of the Soul' €16.00 / $16.00 / £15.00 |
Light Language ActivationsActivating and Opening to the Heart / Mind Consciousness
Polaris AB's VibrationaryLight Language of the Heart
Understanding the Voice of the HeartUnderstanding and living Life
with Heart Based Awareness
Some responses from the previous online workshop - we are grateful for receiving such kind comments:
- Thank you so much for this workshop! I loved it and received so much from it!
- Thank you both, that was so powerful, I really enjoyed it. I am feeling lots in my body, especially brow, very intense.
- Thank you, was beautiful. High on energy and great healing. Namaste
- Thank you both, great activations
- Thank you Paul and Keleena for this true mind altering workshop! So powerful! Had a very interesting dream and woke up very revived too
- The workshop was amazing! I feel all kinds of awesomeness today and it is because of the activations. Looking forward to part two in May.
Shape Divider - Style mountains