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Join Gaby and Paul Dobree-Carey for an intense 2-hour online video: Sacred Teachings of the Naga - Kundalini Sacred Fire
A unique webinar bringing the teachings of the essential wisdom of the Sacred Fire, the Consciousness energy of the Kundalini .
Together, we will take you towards a deeper discovery of this sacred earth creation energy, to bring a revised understanding of what it truly represents.
A unique webinar bringing the teachings of the essential wisdom of the Sacred Fire, the Consciousness energy of the Kundalini .
Together, we will take you towards a deeper discovery of this sacred earth creation energy, to bring a revised understanding of what it truly represents.
This Webinar will help you to understand:
Gaby and Paul
- The meaning and purpose of igniting the Sacred Fire that exists within all of us, which begins with the Awakening of the mysterious Kundalini.
- The truth surrounding this primal spiritual energy - its myths, warnings and benefits.
- The importance of understanding the raising of the Kundalini energy as a vital part of completing your spiritual learnings.
Gaby and Paul
Purchase of the Online Zoom Webinar LIVE Recording + Complimentary eBook
❤️ € 17 / $ 18 / £ 15 ❤️
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This is the main question raised following purchase of the Webinar Recording.
You can access your purchase using the following link:
- Purchasing the Online Webinar Recording will also provide access to a complimentary Ebook: describing and illustrating the subject matter and is exclusive for those purchasing the Online Webinar.
- Recorded Replay of the Webinar: For those who were unable to attend the Live Event, an edited recording is available.
- The Recorded Replay is accessible via the link noted on your Purchase Order you receive immediately after payment and will look like this:
You can access your purchase using the following link:
- This link provides full access to Webinar Page which will allow you to access the live event and / or watch the recording (within your internet browser).
"Thank you Gaby and Paul! truly felt the different energies.. i was so hot.. steaming ! and it was an amazing confirmation of what i have been experiencing the past days/weeks. Truly Grateful" - Lucie
"Thank you so much Gaby and Paul 💕I started receiving the activations an hour before the meeting and it got more powerful during your channeling ." - Hind
"Thank you so much Gaby and Paul 💕I started receiving the activations an hour before the meeting and it got more powerful during your channeling ." - Hind
The Guardians of the Sacred Wisdom of Earth Consciousness are the ancient Naga, which we will bring to you and closely introduce during this webinar. Their desired role is for us all to return to the essential teachings of Gaia, which requires full knowledge of the true nature of Spirituality which is to connect with All That is Sacred within - through deeper awareness & Higher Consciousness.
The Awakening of the Kundalini is a powerful energetic process and a vitally important part of completing our Ascension Process. Many techniques and modalities have been created around this sacred knowledge without honouring and acknowledging the Sacred Teachings that the Naga have been maintaining for millennia.
On our journey to Wholeness Self Source....we are being asked to merge with all of our different aspects, which represents as well the different qualities of Gaia through the Elements. These are Life forces of which we are already a part and prepared to embody to their fully purposed form.
And so the Life force is moving from the lowest to the highest points of our energetic existence....starting with the earthly SACRED FIRE burn through our rigid part of Self, connecting with the Divine Spark of God within the Heart Centre and igniting the Sacred Flame - opening the pathway for our Expansion into full divine consciousness in embodied form.
After a deep presentation, we conclude the webinar with a LIGHT ~ LANGUAGE ACTIVATION channeling the Naga's to support the individual rise of the Sacred Fire in highest organic divine alignment with each participant's Soul plan. 🔥
Prepare your Self for a deep Reconnection with this primal Sacred Life Force of Gaia's Highest Self.
The Awakening of the Kundalini is a powerful energetic process and a vitally important part of completing our Ascension Process. Many techniques and modalities have been created around this sacred knowledge without honouring and acknowledging the Sacred Teachings that the Naga have been maintaining for millennia.
On our journey to Wholeness Self Source....we are being asked to merge with all of our different aspects, which represents as well the different qualities of Gaia through the Elements. These are Life forces of which we are already a part and prepared to embody to their fully purposed form.
And so the Life force is moving from the lowest to the highest points of our energetic existence....starting with the earthly SACRED FIRE burn through our rigid part of Self, connecting with the Divine Spark of God within the Heart Centre and igniting the Sacred Flame - opening the pathway for our Expansion into full divine consciousness in embodied form.
After a deep presentation, we conclude the webinar with a LIGHT ~ LANGUAGE ACTIVATION channeling the Naga's to support the individual rise of the Sacred Fire in highest organic divine alignment with each participant's Soul plan. 🔥
Prepare your Self for a deep Reconnection with this primal Sacred Life Force of Gaia's Highest Self.
Paul and Gaby have been actively providing spiritual information, practical advice and etheric guidance including video, blog and social media posts to a global audience.
Benefit from the guidance of two knowledgeable guides known for their genuine and authentic connection to Source. We would love for you to join us via our special live online event . Paul and Gaby |
Shape Divider - Style mountains