Polaris AB: Cosmic Messages 2020
The rising of the Sacred Fire serpent energy of the Kundalini is a gift from the ancient Naga, as the primal earth energy which connects the Seven Ray body chakra system with the primal spiritual consciousness. The Awakening or ‘real eye’ realisation as the Third Eye begins to open for many, seeing the Light of Truth for the first time as the Shadow Self of the Collective Consciousness is forced out from the darkest recesses of the Earth by the power of the Light. All that is hidden shall be revealed. The Seven Rays are illuminated and energised by the seven colours of the visible Light spectrum. Each Ray is contained within a frequency of vibration carrying intelligent information as Language of Light. The origin of this information arrives in many forms from Cosmic Rays and through the centre of our own Sun Sol connected to the Central Sun, Alcyone. Alcyone is one of Seven who along with her sisters Maia, Electra, Taygete, Asterope, Celaeno and Merope form the star cluster, Pleiades. Their sweet influences arise in the form of personified Virtues and Graces of Integrity required for the Sacred Kundalini energy to merge and rise through each of their associated energy chakras. Atlas, father of the Seven was required to carry the weight of the world upon his shoulders for leading a rebellion against the elite Gods. While he was occupied in his task,his fellow titan, Orion the Hunter boasted how he could rid the world of all its wild creatures. This angered Gaia, the Earth Goddess and Orion was placed in the heavens far away from the reach of Earth. But the Pleiadean Sisters then drew the attention of Orion, and being present in the night skies, Orion pursued them ever since seeking to ensnare, trap and contain them. We too find that to embody the qualities of the Pleiadean within us, we must first loosen the bands of Orion that bind us to the lower frequencies of Archontic Ego and emotional trappings and free the body to merge with the illuminated Soul. Your own Light signature energy is also becoming illuminated by greater cosmic forces which have brought forth expansion into the higher vibrations of the rising Fifth Dimensional frequencies emerging from within your energetic systems. A cosmic messenger arrived in December 2019 in the form of Comet Atlas (C/2019 Y4) with the message that the weight of the world will no longer be shouldered by Atlas and that this responsibility is now to be handed over to the Earth's Sovereign citizens instead. In the Light of the Sun, Comet Atlas has now broken up into pieces and is disintegrating further on its final trip past the Earth, its message delivered, its journey ended. The Light Temple that is the physical body is a gift from Gaia to you based on a symbiotic relation with the Nature Elementals, the Body Elementals and your own Soul consciousness. As the rising energies create physical changes within you, there will be need to adapt to the requirements of your Body Elementals. At this time, it will become priority to consider EXACTLY what you consume physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically - and what the effects of your chosen location will have on your wellbeing. Your body will show you all you need to know. The adjustments to the physical Adam Kadmon HU-man blueprint are taking place NOW. With Loving Blessings <3 Paul Dobree - Carey www.polarisab.com |
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.