As the lunar eclipse reflects back the last piece of sunlight, the Earth resets her Self once again with the opening of the 10.10 divine gateway. The energies pouring in from the Central Sun in preparation have brought forth powerful waves of energetically charged, high vibrational, light encoded solar particles to flood every cell of your third dimensional bodies. Just as the Sun, Earth and Moon synchronistically line up, a 'spiritual syzygy' takes place within your own energy bodies of physical, mental and emotional as you absorb the latest major updates arriving frequently within your newly configuring operating system. Not everyone welcomes the arrival of an upgrade, new features to get used to, a revised outlook, new ways to navigate, unfamiliar routes to negotiate and sometimes the bits you actually wanted to get sorted haven't been touched at all, what's that all about?
As you still try and get used to the constant system rebooting, the system hangs and goes into shutdown AGAIN, tiredness, lethargy, sleep, more sleep and did I mention SLEEP! Normal entry to Fourth dimensional astral state occurs at night time when you sleep, but the body is not complying with a fixed pattern of artifically induced behaviour dictated by rigid time schedules. The bursts of melatonin and serotonin production from a highly stimulated and switched on pineal gland will have you switching sides back and forth from third density to fourth density quicker than a light speed rally in a tennis match. The eclipse brings to you a large assignment of homework which asks you to look directly at the energetic feelings that are passing through, around you and influencing you. The task is to look deep within your Self, to see where you are, what you are personally dealing with, the way you are dealing with the cocktail of feelings that pass through your heart centres daily and your labelling of them with the different names of emotions such as waryness, mistrust, scepticism, frustration, anxiety or is it peaceful, calmness, acceptance, resolute and anticipatory? The eclipse reflects back your own Light and lays your Shadow Self before you, through the actions and reactions of those around you; feedback, participation, conflict, argument, co-operation - only this time, you get to feel this directly, as the feelings of others also feed through your heart centres, running parallel with your own feelings. A time to directly experience the effects of your actions on others through empathetic resonance with feeling their emotions exactly as though they were your own. That's going to bring about more self-responsibility, the direct karmic effect of instant feedback, remember reading about that at some point, it's here. The expansion of self awareness, unity consciousness and crossing of the rainbow bridge, brings with it huge responsibility, of which not all will welcome the implications. The 10.10 divine gateway opens the heart centre fully to the full experience of the collective consciousness, the feelings and emotions of humanity as a whole. If you have not accepted what is happening in your own life, and then followed up by accepting all those around you, the next stage may come as a shock. To realise that every action you take impacts on another and feeds directly into the collective consciousness to be experienced by all. This is what will bring about the changes in the world YOU want to live in, self governing, self responsibility, self validation, self worth. Every single individual taking their own course of action to make themselves feel good about their Selves. There is no requirement for everyone to rush out and save the world, there is no requirement to wait for another person, being, saviour, entity or race to bring about all the solution's to the world's problems. This is how it will work, this is how its done, as it has already been done on countless worlds, over countless times. It is now your turn, this time as a human being, precious and respected as a manifestation of Love to share and live together as One on beloved Earth. It is NOW up to YOU. With Love and Blessings, Polaris AB
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.