Iota Collection
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Many quietly look for direct evidence that what they do and what they have done is making a difference to themselves and the world around them. Despite the teachings of Unconditional Love, the Ego remains, creating reality from duality. Despite giving and sending Love through prayer, invocation, ritual, intention and meditation, many keep half an eye open to see if change has taken place. Look in the mirror, listen to the news, keep looking for something somewhere on Facebook or Twitter or some other global network social media fanfare to watch for a sign that the New Age has arrived.
A parent spoke to their Golden Child:
- I am going to give you my bicycle. It is the bicycle that I myself learnt to ride upon. I learnt all the things I needed to learn to ride this bike, so if I give it to you, you will learn to ride as well as I have. What I have learnt, I will pass onto you to learn the same way and you will become great at riding a bicycle too. Your vibrational rate depends on your Soul’s Evolution and the Full Moon is a time to reflect upon and experience the full range of enlightened as well as shadowed thoughts and feelings that comes from within.
At the particular timing of cosmic frequencies arriving on Gaia from the Central Sun, the Crystalline Grid that surrounds and maintains the Fifth Dimensional matrix around the planet receives and distributes the vibrational energies to the entire collective consciousness. On September 10th, Comet-21P-Giacobini-Zinner will blaze a trail across our night skies. It has done so many times before as this Cosmic Messenger has been a regular visitor to our solar neighbourhood and its 6.5 year journey brings it within 36 million miles of Earth (about third of the distance to the Sun). All Comets and Asteroids follow Paths of Intention mapping their journey across the vastness of space so that their appearance and their timing is intertwined with our own destined journey's. Comet 21P sheds its outer layers ionising the heat of the Sun leaving a glowing green trail of ice and rocky dust behind it. Over thousands of years, many have lived countless lives following destined patterns of third dimensional behaviour within pre-formed fixed archetypes of role-playing existence. The Soul purpose of Being is to share this experience with our beloved planetary Gaia, to allow the progressive evolution of human consciousness to develop to physical, mental and emotional maturity.
Fifth Dimensional Merkaba - translation to Portuguese
Desde o último Crop Circle - estamos agora em pleno progresso da reconstrução interna como resultado do processo de cristalização da Merkaba de 5ª D. O próximo Portal de Leão, seguido do Eclipse de agosto, abre totalmente os Portais de Luz, permitindo que a codificação genética do DNA incorporada continue a alterar a substância energética contida na estrutura da frequência de 5ª Dimensão. Os efeitos nos campos de energia emocional, mental e física já foram sentidos por muitos neste momento. O ritmo se acelera à medida que a nossa jornada continua. This year will bring to this world another year of transitional transformations and challenging changes. It can only ever be so as we watch the state of the world move towards its higher and inevitable Divine purpose. But unlike the shifts we saw last year, we become more aware of why the changes must occur in the Way that they do. This year, we heard reports, polls and opinions that told us one thing only to see the results manifest as something else entirely - such as the blatancy of Brexit and then followed by the Trump-it fan-fair.
Golden Age - translation to Latvian
Polaris AB: Zelta Laikmets ir pilnā plūdumā ap tevi – tāpat, kā TU? Daudzi enerģijas portāli ir saskaņoti un atvērās, un, tagad, straumē augstākas frekvences kodētās pārraides, lai vairotu pārmaiņas mūsu Planētas apziņā, un, tās daudzajos iedzīvotājos. Tie, kuri šobrīd pamodušies, izjutuši šīs enerģijas paplašināmies un plūstam caur saviem enerģētiskajiem ķermeņiem, gatavojoties nākamajam paplašinātas apziņas etapam, un pārmaiņām, pretim kristāliskajai formai. Citi, vēl neapzinās šīs iekšējās pārmaiņas, izvēloties saglabāt eksistenci esošajās Zemes veidnēs un arhetipos, tomēr VISI izjutīs, ka kaut kas atšķirīgs ir noticis iekšēji un viņiem apkārt. |
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.