Zeta Collection - 2020
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Another celestial Messenger emerges from the heavens on September 1st on a whistle-stop tour travelling past the Earth at a hairs-breadth of only 72,000 kilometres, a fifth of the distance to the moon. Blink and you may miss it passing by you of speeds of 29,000 kilometres an hour. The form of this Messenger is an asteroid 2011 ES4 of a healthy 45 metres in width and breadth and will be the closest object in the Solar system to pass the Earth for a number of years to come.
I truly Love You - not because I am seeking confirmation in return. Not because I want to be Loved and need to hear it from another.
I Love the way that Love makes me feel when I think about it, when I feel gratitude for the way I feel and when I can send that Love to another like You.
Many have spent lifetimes working through countless Soul emanations in resolving karmic differences and debts to one another. There are but brief moments remaining on your current timeline and each of you will be attracting all that you have felt necessary to deal with and release before the time arrives to move towards a greater existence. Darkness before the Dawn brings to each and every one, the ultimate tests through deep seated fears requiring exposure to the Light.
As the cosmic energies continue to rise in frequency and vibration, specific frequency portals / gateways continue to open within the sun to let through and release further Light Language key codes. These will influence and raise the conscious awareness, not only of the human species but of all sentient and intelligent species living on this planet.
Something remarkable has been taking place, something very simple, meaningful and very natural. For twenty two weeks, people from all across the world have been joining together for a single hour each week to celebrate joining together of hearts and minds to give gratitude to Mother Earth as the planetary consciousness, Gaia.
Third dimension allows you the gift of experience through the learning and understanding of cosmic evolutionary new skills through direct physical senses. All other skills you would label as Spiritual are already known to you for it is from Spirit you exist. These are not skills to be acquired for you already have them as a natural part of your Being at differing levels of your spiritual existence.
Many awakened individuals have opened their hearts to a greater awareness of their world. Those whose exist primarily within the Frequency Band of the Green Ray raise compassion, connection and understanding of the Nature of Spirit through the Spirit of Nature as man is Divinely Natural in his True Dominion.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.