Mu Collection - 2021
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
You are reminded once again of the Power of Love, the feminine principle full of choices and the chaos of emotional feelings - versus the Love of Power dictated by categorising, labeling and the establishment and enforcement of Order - how many continue to choose one over the other?
As more of the Higher Self’s operating system is embedded within your changing bio-crystalline form, the higher frequencies will bring many of the Fourth Density characteristics into awareness. The Ego mind was designed to operate in an ongoing survival mode based on the inputs of the five lower senses.
Be patient, not as an instruction or demand, but as a Way of Being. A way of living life while you continue to observe the inevitable and expected changes becoming more evident as the established structures, both internal and external, start to weaken and crumble.
What is happening right now is forcing many to choose between a contractual attachment to Third Dimension or stepping away from society and the system that demands you support it. To continue to hope for a Higher Fifth Dimensional existence whilst maintaining the conditional Third Dimensional physical/virtual lifestyle will prove to be unsustainable.
We are the Light of the Universe, our vibration, our love, our bliss, our joy, is the frequency of Source. We ask that you understand that all Beings of Light will reach this frequency, it is individual choice to create the changes within.
Seek within the heart, the Truth of Love is found there. To the attuned ear, it would not take long to recognise that a piano is out of tune when playing a scale of notes. Even to an untrained ear, a familiar song will still sound out of balance, the notes would sound wrong and out of place because they would know what it should sound like compared to what they are now listening to.
You live in a changing world reverberating with the echoes of your former existence. The solid thought forms and patterns of behaviour that have established your life up until NOW are crumbling and disintegrating.
New ideas are always criticised, not because they lack consideration but because they may turn out to be correct and that can be uncomfortable for some.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.