What were the promises that were made by the priestesses and priests in those ancient Lifetimes?
When passing through an initiation, it is shown that one would dedicate their heart to another. Could this dedication be binding from one life to the next?
There are many that believe themselves to be the incarnation of a former Goddess at this time?
The same applies to the Ascended Masters and Angelic Beings of Light. What about those who have taken a position of Service to Self and a binding to them may not be in the best interests of their followers? How will the ones that follow know that the binding is not beneficial to them?
The High Priestess is not One amongst Others, she is One unto her Self. Her role is not one that seeks to placate the Ego but to perform the duties of the Soul.
Many choosing the feminine gender now seek to call them self, Goddess, equally could the Male gender call one Self, a God?
To understand the Christed State of Being is to understand the essence of the Soul. In the story of The Cross, the story has been changed to deceive, instead of being understood at a much deeper and further level than is written. Each level one goes through to become Christed is truly and surely, in words you would understand, a very lonely time.
I Am the Eye of God. I see what God sees. I feel what God feels. I know what God knows. I AM
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.