Sigma Collection
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Shape Divider - Style mountains
Your Light signature energy is being partially overshadowed by greater cosmic forces which have been brought forward in preparation for expansion of the Astrological Chart. This brings forth forgotten knowledge as discovery and publication of additional Planets within the Solar System is made known, which will influence the rising Fifth Dimensional frequencies coming online in our energetic systems.
There have been many celestial bodies in the form of comets and meteors integrating and merging with Gaia and her close planetary brothers and sisters, but none will come close to the deep impact arrival of the I AM presence on the individual consciousness. The impact crater and its respective fallout will be felt in many ways by every one bringing to the surface that which lies deeply hidden within. For those who have not been systematically cleansing and clearing the emotional memories of many aeons of trial and tribulation, the I AM presence will create and clear its own pathway deep into the heart of matter to join Sacred Mind and Heart as ONE within the Fifth Dimensional aspect of ALL.
Our Sun, the Light Bringer, the Life Giver, worshipped through millennial from one civilization to the next, the Sun that shone on Lemuria, Atlantis, Sumeria, Egypt, Maya, Inca, Babylon, Persia, Rome is the same sun that shines on us today. Its reach stretches four light years out into the space around it influencing all it encounters. The sun is a portal connected to higher vibrations of existence, to zero point, a physical pinprick piercing the fabric of space to allow direct entry to higher dimensional planes.
As we prepare for another Light show from our celestial companions, our energetic bodies start to tune into the resonances of the accompanying higher vibrational energies which arrive as fiery trails of sacred geometric light across our night skies.
Blue Moon: At this time, fluctuations occurring in the Earth's magnetic field are triggering changes in biological resonance. The information regarding the central spinal channel, the pranic tube, also known as the Hara line, silver chord or sushumna is relevant to maintaining equilibrium with the earth's frequencies on an ongoing basis.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.