Gamma Collection
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
As the sun has reached the end of the activities of Solar Cycle 24, a dampening takes place in the Earth’s magnetosphere calming its protective shield from the influences of solar winds and coronal flares. High speed energised particles normally carry Sacred Geometry Light Language from the furthest reaches of space via the cosmic postal system of the Central Sun, whilst Star Seeds eagerly awaiting coded instruction from their Galactic family to carry out Soul purpose as grounded aspects here on Earth.
By Loving your Self, you learn what it feels like to Love unconditionally by creating a relationship with your Self. When you start to understand what you want, you understand why Others want what they want. When you understand why you blame Others, you understand why Others blame you. When you understand why you argue with Others, you understand why Others argue with you. You create your world based on your understanding of Love.
This is a time for finding balance within and to integrate the earth energies with the physical body to adjust to a similar resonance. We bring our head down from the clouds in the form of Descension to take a look at our current position, where we are, what we are doing and who we are becoming. And in doing so, some may find that they want to go back to the clouds again, to meditate or just to go back to sleep. It seems so much easier sometimes to go 'within’ than go ‘without.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.