Zeta Collection - 2020
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Polaris AB: Cosmic Messages - Zeta Collection
The Language of the Heart is the most commonly spoken Light Language amongst the terrestrial and celestial languages and many of the phonetic ‘words’ are found in all of the earliest forms of language and are still in use today in place names and in the structures of our daily speech. What is Light Language? Language is a structured form of recognisable familiar sounds, vibrations and patterned form used for communication. Without mutual recognition, the 6500 languages currently in the world today continue to divide and segregate nations, cultures and people. Many of the oldest civilizations contain their knowledge and wisdom in ancient books that tell stories of how multiple languages came into existence. These books have formed the basis of civilizations, laws and religious cultures.
And yet, all languages have a single origin, a Language that comes from within, that is spoken after birth before it is lost to the vibrational speech patterns of the culture that the child is raised within. ( Pa pa, Ma ma, Da da, Ba ba) Light is a carrier of information using structured data that contains infinite intelligence within multiple frequencies of vibration across multi-dimensions of space, time and conscious form. The manifestation of Light Vibration on earth is brought forth as multiples forms and Language in the form of speech is one such method of communication. Light Language is our connection to the rest of the Universe and more activated awakened individuals are tuning into and ‘speaking in tongues’ using it in multiple ways every day. To learn more about, please see the following page of the web site: Light Language Paul Dobree-Carey
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.