Mu Collection - 2021
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Shape Divider - Style mountains
Polaris AB: Cosmic Messages 2021
Do you recall times in the past when you were faced with a problem and you had no solution, lots of questions but no answers. But gradually, a series of events took place, a chance meeting, an article, an insight, something that triggered the solution to be presented to you which allowed you to overcome the problem. Your Higher Self is the part of YOU which holds the answers to your questions, it knows the way ahead, the problems you will encounter and has the means to overcome each situation. The Higher Self may be known to you as the sub-consciousness, your Guardian Angel or simply as Divine Inspiration. It is your future Self, the version of you that exists on the other side of all of life's challenges and adversities with skills acquired, lessons learnt and accomplishments achieved.
The Higher Self guides you through each scenario with higher purpose to create meaning and give purpose to your life experiences, however difficult they first appear. NOW, more than ever, we need to look within and connect with our Self to find our place in this world - the solutions certainly don't seem to be 'out there' as we have to revise and negotiate our own ways of living in this world. Your Soul agreement was to create a life filled with love, joy, peace and happiness whilst overcoming all that life puts in front of you. You were never meant to suffer, only to learn from Connecting intimately with a part of you that Loves you beyond imagination and this is the starting point of achieving all your Life dreams. Are you seeking to create a deeper connection within YOU and to High-Light the energetic blocks that prevent natural integration with your multi-dimensional Higher Super Self? Would you like to discuss your present situation and to look at the energies that require integration of your Higher Senses to find meaning and purpose on your personal journey. To find out more, please contact me to book a consultation.
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.