Pi Collection - 2022
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Each HuMan Terran Soul on Gaia has created countless Life conscious incarnations in the Here and Now across numerous civilizations - in every form of race, religion, role, archetype, societal position and gender. You would not be fully prepared to reach Sovereignty if it was not so.
Once your Soul has been around the Sun a few thousand times, in this Life Aspect and all the Other Ones created by your Soul that have lived through a myriad of different experiences and roles, as one gender and another, as one racial group and another, as one religion and another, all contributing unique thoughts and ideas and experiences to the One, eventually one of those lives will decide to take a different journey.
The Universe always finds the Way to show you what needs your focused attention. Ignore the signs at your own peril, however subtle or obvious.
You are on a cosmic journey planning your next experience and you arrive on a planet where you forget where you have come from and where you are going.
All that has been created within the Third Dimensional Belief Systems of the Collective Consciousness will be manifested for the last time before dissipating and disintegrating into the ether.
Our grateful thanks to all those who attended the Law of One Revealed Webinar held by Tim Whild and myself on January 11th 2022.
To take our place in this Universe requires us to build a new place from within our Self. We must firstly learn to separate from what Is, to then reunite with what shall Become. Much of what we see taking place at this time is that separation process, where all the newly created parts eventually seek Unity within the whole.
It has become clear that the persistent outpourings from the Sun of cosmic key codes and Language of Light are not showing signs of dissipating as we continually move through a constant series of transformational gateway's of energy and intelligent information in the form of Light encoded cosmic knowledge. What started out as a trickle at the Cosmic Moment back in 2012 has become a inundated stream of energetic changes in every facet of everyday life.
For so it had come about, as indeed many others might have foreseen had not terror and fear of disaster blinded their minds. These germs of disease have taken toll of humanity since the beginning of things—taken toll of our prehuman ancestors since life began here.
There are alternatives that allow you to be what you truly are, not the version you are required to become to fit into a fixed and rigid position in society.
The Cyrus Cylinder - created in 530 B.C. for Cyrus the Great and written in early Akkadian Cuneiform script.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.