Delta Collection
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Shape Divider - Style mountains
Regardless of the maker, whether considered to be celestial, artificial or super-natural, all Crop Circle formations are created from intention. The intention of their design is carried as vibrational energy held in geometric form. The primary use of the platonic solids, in particular, the hexagon, carries internal angles of 60 degrees which is the basis of all matter known as Divine or Sacred Geometry. The beginnings of Life derive from the Metatronic cube as the Flower of Life, a design pattern displayed by every civilization throughout time. It is a pattern that allows the infinite expansion into the macro and infinite contraction into the micro.
Two cosmic messengers just passed close by the Earth - did you see them?
The first named 2019 MB4 was about 22m in size and whistled past, travelling at 7km/s at around 315,000 km from the Earth. It's close companion named 2019 NN3 passed Earth at 320,000 km with a healthier asteroid size body of 44m. Both of these hold orbits that bring them closer to Earth than our own moon at 384,400 km. Their pathways have been astronomically calculated to arrive at this time prior to the central cosmic conflagration. YOU are not your total experiences - there is far more of YOU than you are currently aware of and able to access. It is only the physical aspects of you that are present on Gaia that retain a culmination of the events that have helped shape your current existence.
Your Soul Signature vibrations are unique in the vast amount of frequencies of light that YOU are - but you are not yet fully consciously aware of all that YOU are. Many are beginning to partially remember, as higher aspects reveal themselves through dreamstate and meditation and penetrate through to the conscious awareness of your existence. The world of Third Dimensional density is a collection of created energetic concepts projected outwards from collective consciousness as thought forms. The strongest thought forms remain as your reality, originally designed as natural forms held together by the strength of Will known as the Forces of Nature. The elementals and nature beings provide the intelligent consciousness which build the forms of Matter. Added to these forces are the human concepts of belief, rules and laws.
Everything not held together by the strength of Will falls apart into its constituent parts to be used again in other forms. All matter that exists within the Third Dimension vibrational frequencies is comprised of Form and Substance. Form is created in Fourth Dimension as a perceived Light template which acquires solidity and mass through the vibrational attraction of third dimensional sub-atomic Particles of Substance known as ‘adamantine particles’. These particles are identical in nature, it is their behaviour that determines the atomic labels that they are given. We are beginning to see and definitely feel more evidence of the integrated connection between the activities of the Sun and the Earth.
Solar flares, coronal mass ejections and coronal holes streaming high speed particles to earth via solar winds have a direct and measurable effect not only on the earth but on our own well being too. All that is rigid shall be shaken. All that is hidden shall be revealed. |
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.