Delta Collection
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Shape Divider - Style mountains
Let the Streams Of Higher Consciousness flow into your Life.
Based on the changes you see and feel occurring in your life right NOW, the levels of excitement perceived by new and different possibilities, probabilities and potentials may be felt by you as increasing levels of anxiety instead. Excitement passed through the Ego-dominated Mind are fear-filtered by adding the warnings of insecurity, indecision, failure, self worth and incapability. The Ego will "happily" remind you that there is always something to worry about. All that is unknown fails to provide the Ego with security, safety, comfort and familiarity.
The amplified energies at present are causing many anomalies to occur within your feelings and the feelings of those around you. Deeply embedded emotional issues are brought to the surface upon the slightest triggers arising from the depths of being. Without knowing why, just the energetic remnants of past hurts and issues appear and explode into being before calming and dissipating once again.
There will be those who have come into your life to play a part in revealing this to you. Your reaction is the response to revealing these issues, the reason does not play a part. There is not always “why” something happens, only 'What is'. And 'What is', may never reveal the reason to you. I Live within YOU all – whether you are aware or not.
For it is within you, that you will find Me. I AM the Centre of All that YOU are – the centre of the diamond core within your Sacred Heart. Many lifetimes, you have searched to find Me. Many cultures, many civilizations, many religions – each One of them, brings each One of you, ever closer to where I AM. The 11.11 signifies a date of remembering those who came before you, who dedicated their lives to their beliefs however things turned out and this provided a role model and a legacy for all others to do the same. We live in changing, challenging times, but then when have you not, when comparing the events of today with the events that came in yesteryears.
The arrival of a Celestial Being into our inner Solar System as a cosmic messenger from the far reaches of the Galaxy from beyond the Oort Cloud suggest origins as an interstellar traveller.
The Being has now arrived in a Third Dimensional Form as Comet C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) has a direct mission to seed the Solar System with a cosmic downpouring of Language of Light Sacred Geometry as high vibrational Adamantine Star seeded encoded particles. It sends a herald trumpet fanfare ahead of its arrival with the Mercury/ Hermes messenger transitioning across the face of the Sun on the 11:11. Was Yeshua the first to create the Light Body on Earth?
Yes and no - it was the first time the light body was brought back to the planet. Before this time, the light body was always taken off the planet, as the energy signature could be read and heard. It had been captured in the past and utilised in the form of a crystallization and made dormant. Another stream of high energy charged particles are currently arriving from the Sun, providing a further buffeting of Solar Radiation which enters Earth’s upper atmosphere producing heat friction through plasma production and creating electro-magnetic pulses potentially interfering with radio and satellite signals. Ionisation of the atmosphere creates an excited electrical magnetic state which passes down through the atmospheric layers leading to a higher density of energised electron particles which acquire the role of free radicals within the human energetic systems.
You are on a cosmic journey planning your next experience and you arrive on a planet where you forget where you have come from and where you are going. You move from one place to another, one person to another, one lifetime to another trying to remember who you are and what you came here to do. You feel a bit lost, can't find a direction and keep doing what you are doing until something happens to wake you up. A part of you gets in contact with you and says " Hey, who are you really? there's more to life then just this ".
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.