Delta Collection
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Shape Divider - Style mountains
Polaris AB: Cosmic Messages - Delta Collection
Hi Polaris, I enjoy what you write but sometimes find some of the concepts are a bit tricky for me to get my head around. Personally, I prefer watching a quick video rather than spend time reading a long article or hours reading a book, so do words in written form carry a different vibration to sound as I seem to get the message quicker? A: Colourful imagery, sound and voice transmissions are certainly the quickest way to convey multiple sources of communicative energy to those observing. And yes, many seek video / film as the quickest way to equate what is being presented to their own knowledge and understanding. But how much value is given to the content if you merely seek to match what is already known by you, before moving on to the next transmission and the next and the next.... The Blue Ray Messages provided here do not seek to match what you already know and understand but instead, aim to approach your thoughts from differing geometric angles, perceptions and dimensional architecture.
The written Word does indeed become a carrier of the full vibrations the words are meant to convey. What has been taught is - In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. All is manifest in God and everything that is, is God. All matter is God in form consisting of the Breath of Intelligence (Alpha Divine Masculine) and the Particles of Substance (Omega Divine Feminine). From the Source of Creation, Sound creates form and Light creates substance - Sound and Light made manifest as the One. God = Source = One We have a word named God which combines this Duality in which many seek to find their own definition of what this word means to them, if at all. How many lifetimes have been invested in seeking this word from within, defending against, fighting and dying for belief in the faith placed in this Word. The external world will not provide this answer for we have seen this played out too many times without end. What purpose would Words serve if they did not carry the vibration of meaning such as those contained in the Bible, the Koran, Kaballah, Torah, Upanishads, the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita - all the Holy books that carry the Divine words of Spirit from one generation to the next. Do you dismiss their importance through apathy, corruption or do you accept that countless lives have been lived through these Words? How much faith do you place in Words such as these – do you build your Life around them or do you now seek to reject the words you once followed and dedicated your former Lives towards. The form and substance of the Words contained within All came from the same Source. Do you ‘feel’ the words conveyed when you spend the time and effort reading a book – can you hear the clash of swords when reading ‘Morte D’Arthur’ or experience the deep pangs of unrequited love shared within ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’? It is the understanding and resonance that written words create that comes from recognition of that which already exists within. The words seek to trigger a deep resonance from within, to recognize a part of your Self hidden in shadow that is ready to illuminate itself from within you . When watching a film or video, much of that reaching within is taken away from you, it is already presented, shown in the film, the reactions, the emotions, the answers. A good story seeks for you to raise those feelings within you, your Self, not to watch them play out in a completed script in front of you. Whether or not you believe in the characters of a book, it is what they represent - and not who they were or whether they were real. It is the qualities and principles they displayed when faced with adversity, when under extreme pain, when suffering or in deep sorrow – what deep emotional message they left embedded within you that you learnt from so you could understand how to apply it to your own circumstances in your own life. The magic of imagination from the innocence of a child to the wisdom of old age. Emotion – Energy in Motion - all energy is in motion and never still whether represented by Light or Darkness. Words are Light switches illuminating that which was not previously known. They provide a direct route towards seeing the light in form, for without the switch, the light does not come to be made manifest through the lives and direct experiences of others. Words as vibration animate Light in a myriad of forms and creations across all the frequencies. Words become known to you as you seek to apply recognition and understanding with the Mind, but the value of Words comes from feeling them, to pass them through your Heart Centre, to understand their worth, and to find the Truth of what they represent – to you. You are the Word made flesh from the Light of Source. With Loving Blessings <3 Paul Dobree-Carey / Polaris AB Messages, Events and Articles - Online Sessions - Paul is available for Soul Guidance consultations to assist with connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
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Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.
Paul is available for consultations to assist with activation and connection to higher dimensional aspects of Self, manifesting and understanding Life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.